I want to use my 90 boost here, buuuuut

90 Orc Hunter
I got a few questions for you. These are simple questions that require me hearing your opinions. I would like to hear about the three main things every RP server has to offer: RP, PvE, and PvP.

My first question: Horde or Alliance? Now I know I am posting on a lovely she-orc right now, But I've got plenty of 90s on either faction, so I am not entirely partial toward one or the other.

When answering this question, I would like to hear the pros and cons or both sides (again your opinion) and pitch me the idea of which faction to join.

My second question is this: What class?

I have every class at 90 currently, so it isn't like I have "something new" to experience. I would just like some ideas or pitches to be made about what to roll.

And those are both of my questions. Looking forward to the answers and all that jazz.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Alliance has a larger pop and (and more activity as a result) here, but Horde is by no means dead. I admit I've begun leaning blue of late, but the reds still have activity - usually Saturday and Sunday, I notice.

And I'm not biased, but I say go warlock. *sage nod*
Edited by Rakeri on 3/11/2014 6:36 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
03/11/2014 06:26 AMPosted by Lokrai
I would like to hear about the three main things every RP server has to offer: RP, PvE, and PvP.

As far as I can tell, all three of these areas are fairly healthy. There do exist RP guilds that like to focus on PVP, other RP guilds that are full of those that also like to raid, and there are RP guilds that are laid back and open to whomever or whatever but still focus on some RP.

Mind you, this is just what I have observed over the past few months. I don't personally raid and it's been a while since I've been into any sort of PVP... so there's that.

My first question: Horde or Alliance?
... pros and cons...

I have always leaned heavily Alliance. Even on servers where I have tried to dedicate myself to horde only, I end up bending and rolling more allies than hordes. While I do find many of their faction quest lines and stories interesting and at times fairly compelling, I still find it difficult to level Red... So I suppose my natural bias will be to say "Go Blue".

As far as community make up goes, I have found Horde side a little sparse for RP. Even so however I have seen it start to slowly pick back up which is good. I agree with Rakeri that they aren't dead so by no means count them out.

As far as PVP and PVE goes, I think the trend is still that the Horde tends to dominate PVP. PVE I really couldn't say.

03/11/2014 06:26 AMPosted by Lokrai

My second question is this: What class?

Priest and Warlock. I have found that I am drawn more to these classes. I seem to have the most fun with them, in part I suppose because of their versatility; Priests for their healing and dps capability and Warlocks for their variable styles of dps.

Hunters are a class that I am recently enjoying, partially due I think to their similarity to Warlock mechanics (high dps and pets).

Death Knights have just recently become interesting to me. They seem to be a fairly good blend of Warlock, Priest, and Warrior.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/11/2014 06:26 AMPosted by Lokrai
My first question: Horde or Alliance? Now I know I am posting on a lovely she-orc right now, But I've got plenty of 90s on either faction, so I am not entirely partial toward one or the other.

When answering this question, I would like to hear the pros and cons or both sides (again your opinion) and pitch me the idea of which faction to join.

I'd personally go with the Horde but I have a sizable bias in favor of the faction. Setting aside things like aesthetics I feel that while the Alliance does have more opportunities for RP, PVE, and PVP what the Horde has is better quality. I'd expand upon that but I'd probably offend people >.>

Anyway, to help you decide I'll throw out two of the biggest cons for each faction that are particularly pronounced on an RP server.

Alliance has Pornshire. Cenarion Circle being crz with Moon Guard makes this even worse.

Horde has an infestation of belfs. Seriously, they are like cockroaches and almost always make up the majority of characters at an RP event.


03/11/2014 06:26 AMPosted by Lokrai
My second question is this: What class?

I have every class at 90 currently, so it isn't like I have "something new" to experience. I would just like some ideas or pitches to be made about what to roll.

And those are both of my questions. Looking forward to the answers and all that jazz.

Please don't roll a Warlock. I prefer to be a unique little butterfly.

Now in all seriousness I suggest rolling a tanking class since every server can use more of those.... unless you plan on doing a lot of PVP. In that case a healing class would be superb.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
03/11/2014 10:37 PMPosted by Mormel

Horde has an infestation of belfs. Seriously, they are like cockroaches and almost always make up the majority of characters at an RP event.

Well PARDON ME for wanting to be Horde without looking like an idiot.

If you're coming to CC, I would -definitely- roll Horde.

As to class, pick whatever play-style is the opposite of what you're used to. Maybe challenge yourself with something new and complex. Role is immaterial compared to what you'll actually -enjoy- doing. And if you enjoy something enough, you'll get good at it, and if you get good at it, you'll always be in demand, even if to just yourself!
Edited by Liore on 3/12/2014 12:36 AM PDT
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90 Orc Hunter
Thank you all for your feedback. I have decided to roll blue side with a human pally (spec to be determined).

I look forward to seeing you all there, and hopefully we can all be frands.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/12/2014 12:34 AMPosted by Liore
Well PARDON ME for wanting to be Horde without looking like an idiot.

Now now! No need to get all in a huffy. I'm just stating the obvious... but you do realize you have crazy antenna eyebrows right?

*sticks tongue out*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
She has a point. They do make wearing most helms a tad wonky.
Edited by Ketiron on 3/12/2014 5:36 AM PDT
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97 Blood Elf Priest
But such -great- reception.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/12/2014 06:26 PMPosted by Liore
But such -great- reception.

Because heaven forbid you go one second without access to the Fabulous Hair Network.
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Wait. Are you saying non-elves look like idiots?

Just because I have crooked teeth, and giant tusks, and hunch, and slouch, and sometimes drool, doesn't mean I look like an idiot. I am the opposite of an idiot. I am a sophisticated troll. I have wit, nuance, charm. I'm oozing these qualities. OOZING!

Ahem. Mon.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/13/2014 08:52 AMPosted by Finnaeus
Wait. Are you saying non-elves look like idiots?

Just because I have crooked teeth, and giant tusks, and hunch, and slouch, and sometimes drool, doesn't mean I look like an idiot. I am the opposite of an idiot. I am a sophisticated troll. I have wit, nuance, charm. I'm oozing these qualities. OOZING!

Ahem. Mon.

I know! If you just added a monocle and polished those tusks then you'd be the spittin' image of aristocracy!
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This is why I love you guys.

I think you may wish to feel out to both factions and see for yourself. I invite you to the Alliance Clinic this coming Monday, 5P-7P Pacific Time. There is also a Horde Clinic; both are (or last I checked) good hotspot weekly events to have a good appreciation for how we roll around here. Join the OOC channels, ask questions, try a little random RP.

Just keep in mind that the healing Clinics get really crazy and can be hard to keep up with what everyone is doing. I suppose that's a given, but I hate feeling like I'm ignoring people.
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