A-RP guild idea(Prehistoric idea)

100 Human Paladin
To those interested please leave a reply on this post to see if it gathers attention and we can find people to play this out. The idea is to level up some characters at a specific realm to do this:

Savage Lands - Pre-historic Fantasy Role Play

Races: Humans Only (Both Genders)
Classes: Warriors, Hunters, Priests (In-game: Hunters Only)
Level Cap: 50-60
Play Zones: Un'Goro Crater, Ariathi Highlands, The Barrens, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Dun Morogh.
Professions: Blacksmithing, Mining, Leatherworking, Skinning, Alchemy, Herbalism, Cooking, Fishing.

Overall Concept: To create a fun, engaging and interesting role-play scenario involving humans in a pre-historic low fantasy world (think Conan the Barbarian, 10,000 BC, etc). Therefore, most of the player actions have to be grounded on reality with very minor inclusion of magic or magic derivate actions.

Class Roles: Each player must choose which role to play: warriors, hunters or priests. Depending on what role they pick they must follow certain guidelines as to their dress code and job during play:

Warriors (preferably Male): As a warrior, it is your job to defend and protect your clan from enemy raids.
-Warriors should wear minimal Leather armor.
-Warriors should be equipped with: Axes (1h and 2h), Daggers and Fist Weapons.
-Warrior professions include: Blacksmithing/Mining

Hunters (both genders): Hunters stalk prey to gather food for the clan but they also serve as minor ranged fighters during raids. They can tame wild beasts as pets.
-Hunters should wear minimal Leather armor.
-Hunters should be equipped with: Axes (1h and 2h), Daggers, Pole arms or Bows.
-Hunter professions include: Leatherworking/Skinning, Cooking and Fishing.

Priests (preferably Female): Priests are the spiritual guides of the clan, they create medicine, perform dances for blessings and are the lore keepers.
-Priests should wear minimal clothing, preferably robes.
-Priests should be equipped with: Staves or Daggers.
-Priest professions include: Alchemy/Herbalism.

(Any ideas or suggestions please make a post, thank you)

Copied from worlds end will direct OP here
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71 Worgen Rogue
OP here, if there are any questions to those interested please let me know.

Hopefully we can generate some interest in this, maybe someone could even record it as well.
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62 Draenei Death Knight
Seemed like an interesting Rp but I was curious if you guys had a realm you had chosen to host it for yet.
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100 Human Paladin
03/23/2014 09:04 PMPosted by Valkry
Seemed like an interesting Rp but I was curious if you guys had a realm you had chosen to host it for yet.

We were thinking of Cenarion circle :P
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71 Worgen Rogue
Dorlane, if youd like I could go ahead and make a character there if you'd like to join me, Ill make a post with that character once shes ready.
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100 Human Paladin
I am going to sleep will make a character after school
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71 Worgen Rogue
03/23/2014 11:22 PMPosted by Dorlane
I am going to sleep will make a character after school

No problem, Ill talk to you tomorrow
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