Lêgion is recruiting active players for 10H SoO, 10N SoO, and 25N SoO. We're also accepting PvPers for our RBG teams and Arena teams, as well as beginner to experienced RPers. We're a level 25 guild with an active core of Raiders and PvPers. We regularly hold Tol Barad and Wintergrasp, not only as Alliance but as a guild.
Our raid teams raid three times a week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Mondays. Lêgion's 10H group runs from 6:00pm PST to 8:00pm PST. Our 25N group runs from 8:00pm PST to 11:30pm PST. We're currently in need of experienced Healers and a few good tanks for the 10H and Healers, Tanks and DPS of any flavor for the 25N.
RBG's are Wednesdays at 3:00pm PST and Arenas are Thursdays from 4:00pm PST to 6:00pm PST. We also host Wargames with a Horde guild Fridays at 5:00pm PST. Members also RBG and Arena daily in smaller groups.
Thursday nights are also host to our regular RP Events, held in Halaa. They begin at 6:00pm PST and feature casual banter, sparring and rank promotions. We also have a Mentor Program that runs all week long for beginner RPers.
Members are not required to Roleplay, but are asked and reminded to be respectful of those who do. Cenarion Circle is a RP realm, and there is an active community of helpful players who also Raid and PvP.

Again, our activity schedule is this:
10H SoO - Tues, Weds, Mon - 6pm to 8pm PST
25N SoO - Tues, Weds, Mon - 8pm to 11:30pm PST
RBGs - Wednesdays - 3pm PST
Arenas - Thursdays - 4pm to 6pm PST
Wargames - Fridays - 5pm PST
RP/PvP Events - Thursdays - 6pm PST

Our website is LegionCC.guildlaunch.com, feel free to look around and apply via the website. For in-game invitation please contact Morefeen, Ketyru or any online member can direct you to an Officer. Any questions, feel free to post here or contact us in-game.