In need of a friendly, active guild

90 Human Paladin
I didn't post this in guild recruitment because a lot of people are posting there and flexing their nifty raid stats and honestly it's kind of overwhelming for me.

So anyway, I just came back to the game after a few months hiatus (thanks in part to my old PC passing on) and would just like a nice guild to be in. Right now I'm sort of a random west coast player, my playtimes can be during the day or night. What I do with my in-game time can be random, too. I like to run heroics to improve my gear or get heirlooms, but I also enjoy stuff like hunting for pets and working on tradeskills when I get the chance. So, basically, I don't need an established raid guild at this time, just a guild that does anything period.

Reply or whisper me in-game on Yggdra if your guild has a spot and tell me about it :D
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100 Gnome Priest
Everyone here on CC is great. Every guild has their own feel, but they are filled with wonderful people so I'd say as long as you engage while you're online then you almost can't go wrong.

That being said I'd suggest /join allianceooc and join the community. Get to know people and sooner or later you'll squeeze into someplace comfortable for you. I'd say we're a close knit community so regardless of the guild you join someone is always available to run heroics with, RP with, answer questions and lend aid, or just to converse with while you do your thing.

*Toots [Horn of Conclave]*

*Summons: Guild Macro of Doooom"
Edited by Caileanmor on 3/28/2014 2:04 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Oh, I didn't realize there was a chat channel, I've been wondering why it's so quiet.
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Cail's right, a great way to get introduced is by joining the OOC channel. They can help point you to the best guild for you and your character.
*cowers in anticipation of The Macro*
Welcome back, by the way! I've been in and out all through this expansion, so if there's anything you need help with, please feel free to whisper me! I know how much of a pain it can be to get back into the loop. My battletag is Ketyru#1178.
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