Blood Elf RP

I have never looked at Horde RP on this realm as my only toons here are Alliance, and am really interested in making a Blood Elf. My main focus would be RP, so i was wondering what the Blood Elf community is like here, Most of my time would be spent in Silvermoon and other places in Eastern kingdoms so i would most likely be RPing with other Blood Elfs.

Any Information regarding the blood elf RP community is the main focus, but the Horde RP community in general would be fine to. Thanks in advance!
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100 Worgen Warlock
The trouble is...that's really all there ARE in Horde RP, is blood elves!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Hey now, I happen to have one of every Horde race :P I mean, sure, I do most of my RPing on the belf, but still!

Actually, the goblins have been giving us a run for our money recently...
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100 Goblin Shaman
Having Lounge Night in Hardwrench HIdeaway was all just part of a master, long-term plan... bwahahah.

I don't do a lot of RP in Silvermoon - it feels rather odd to be a goblin there- but keep in mind you'll also be running into a lot of the RPers from Moon Guard and other RP realms we're CRZ'd with. CC's RP is a bit scattered ever since Garrosh went nuts; most of the RPers haven't been in Orgrimmar for character reasons. For a while, there was more activity in Silvermoon, but that's dropped off again lately.

I know the Horde RP is particularly active on the weekends in the afternoon and evenings. We don't have any guilds that are primarily focused on one race; they tend to cover broader themes that allow for more open recruitment. Active guilds that immediately come to mind are Da Doctas, AAMS, Homeland, Wayfarer's Coterie, The Royal Library, Rib Cage, The Burning Scroll, and I apologize to anyone I missed. :) We've also had people interacting with us a lot from Sisters of Elune (our eventual server buddy) and Wrymrest Accord.

The best advice, as always, is to go ahead an roll an alt and say hello in the /HordeOOC channel. See who's around on the hours you're playing. Check out the activity in Silvermoon. I hope I have a chance to run into you in game!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Someone wanting to roll Horde for a belf? To RP? In Silvermoon?

Non merci!

Ok in all seriousness there are tons of belf RPers out there and Silvermoon is the RP... heart of the Horde so-to-speak. Events and guilds have become a bit more racially diversified over time but, overall, belfs are still a dominant force in the RP scene. Thus you can discard any concerns you might have of finding people, especially other belfs, to RP with you.

Also the Horde RP side is perfectly healthy but probably not as active as you are used to on the Alliance side. Most Horde RPers on Cenarion Circle (and Sisters of Elune for that matter) prefer to save the weekend for the in-character stuff and use the rest of the week for ganking Garrosh, ganking gnomes, leveling ect...

Everything Kezrin wrote in her post is spot on and useful. The only thing I'd really like to add is that Suckmoon er... I mean Silvermoon City is the closest thing the Horde has to Pornshire er... I mean Goldshire. It's not nearly as bad but if you plan on spending a lot of time there you will see things you'd desperately want to un-see...

03/29/2014 08:12 AMPosted by Irilin
Actually, the goblins have been giving us a run for our money recently...

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. All your RP belongs to us now!
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59 Blood Elf Death Knight
03/29/2014 02:01 AMPosted by Rakeri
The trouble is...that's really all there ARE in Horde RP, is blood elves!

Hey, I had an Orc once.

I even think she got to level seven.
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100 Orc Warrior
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/29/2014 09:04 PMPosted by Korigal

We must be in a desert and seeing mirages. I coulda swore I just saw an orc.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
I would stress just coming to a few events and seeing if you see or hear something that clicks. It may take more than once for something to sound interesting. My characters are not event focused for say. They are more spontaneous and react to immediate actions that happen in the present. They are well rooted characters that have a rich story-lines that are based on previous encounters. Each thing they do has long lasting consequences and is not erased the next day. You will find that most here on CC play this style.
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83 Orc Shaman
*Quietly hexes all of the elves* No, there are no blood elves to be found. Not sure what that race is, but the horde recently recruited frogs!
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/30/2014 07:59 PMPosted by Yuuko
They are well rooted characters that have a rich story-lines that are based on previous encounters. Each thing they do has long lasting consequences and is not erased the next day.

[This is true... even if our characters might want to forget what has happened to them. ;-) ]

*Mormel breaks out in cold sweats as she tosses and turns in her sleep*

Nyah! I don't wanna go back to the floaty ship with the creepy skeleton on it!
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