WoD Alpha Patch Notes

100 Tauren Shaman
So, who's read them, and what do you think?

Personally, I feel like they're trying to undo most changes that they've made in the past two xpacs. But, I'll trudge along through it as best I can, 'cause I'm a glutton like that.

Fortunately, RP isn't affected when gameplay changes are made, and I'm glad I have all of you fine folks to RP with :)
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100 Undead Warrior
*shaves Thaettir like a Dalaran poodle*
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100 Goblin Warlock
I view patch notes the same way I view problems.

If I just ignore them then they will eventually go away.
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100 Gnome Priest
04/03/2014 08:15 PMPosted by Thaettir

Fortunately, RP isn't affected when gameplay changes are made, and I'm glad I have all of you fine folks to RP with :)

Nope. For that, you want to look at the latest CDev Q&A that got released, too.


I have started to read through all the patch notes, there's too much for me to take in at once. I at least glanced through the priest changes. Nothing I can't live with, though I shall mourn the loss of Glyph of Shifted Appearances with the disappearance of Void Shift.
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I have to admit to button fatigue as a Hunter, but somehow, simplifying it again just feels wrong. I hope it will help me deeps, though.
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100 Worgen Warlock
You're beyond redemption, me bucko. It might help hunters. But not you. :P
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90 Pandaren Monk
- I'm not sure I'll play my feral druid anymore without Mangle, it was a core part of my every rotation

- I'm not sure I'll play my rogue anymore, doubling of enemy health and taking away cc/disarm is a bit much

I think the biggest nerf to CC won't be from the removal of many CC abilities but from the addition of TONS of "also hit a random enemy" type effects/dots. Read about the new talents, they all randomly reach out and hit random targets now. Not strong enough to do any meaningful or focused damage but strong enough to break CC....
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