[A] Scavenger Hunt, Sun, Apr 13th, 4pm server

100 Human Warrior
Scavenger Hunt, Sunday, April 13th, 4pm server.

I will be going on an extended fishing expedition in about two weeks and I need help gathering supplies for the trip. That's where you come in!

I will present you with a list of items that I require from a specific area (dungeon). The first 3 teams to bring me everything from the list shall win a prize.

Prizes: 1st - 3000g per team member
2nd - 2000g per team member
3rd - 1000g per team member
Sign up below in teams of 3-5 to participate. Minimum entry is 3 per team, this is meant to be a social event!

Dungeon location will be announced 30 minutes prior to the event. Scavenger list will be provided upon arrival at the dungeon entrance. It is recommended that all attendees be at least level 40.

Random prize drawings will be held throughout the event as well.
Edited by Calendre on 4/6/2014 11:47 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior

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100 Human Paladin
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