How's the RP Scene on this Realm?

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Going through the various RP Realm forums, this one is the only one I'm seeing anything resembling RP topics in!

How's the RP? Horde and Alliance or skewed to one side?
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100 Gnome Priest
The RP on CC is Good. Healthy. We should be merging with SoE soon, so that will be a nice boon.

It had been skewed to the Alliance but more and more I'm seeing Horde side RP pick up... at least on the forums. I haven't really popped Horde side for any RP for late. I'm sure someone else will chime in on that matter soon :)

Come on over! We'd love to have you! :D
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Well I've gone ahead and made quite a few Horde toons to get started on, but I'll use up the last two spots on some Alliance toons, lord knows I need MORE Worgen and Draenei toons, haha!
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90 Pandaren Monk
I moved here from Emerald Dream and I love it! Using the OOC channels you can almost always find RP and its just a real friendly community. I personally dont know about horde side though.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
So far it looks like Horde RP is pretty quiet, and that saddens me a bit, but Hopefully I'll be able to drag some of my friends to start some up!

Be on the lookout for Donovan the worgen 'lock in the future though ;)
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100 Goblin Warlock
First of all welcome!

Now Horde RP here is perfectly healthy although Alliance RP is still the more active scene... but that has basically been true nearly everywhere for ten years...

Regardless, there is typically always something going on Horde side during the weekends and we've had numerous special events in recent history like the Kosh'harg, a wedding in Nagrand, the Boutique and Bar Grand Opening ect... There is even a special search and rescue event this Friday and I'm co-hosting another store event at the end of the month.

A good place to start meeting the Horde RP community would be to attend the AAMS Lounge Night on Saturdays. It takes place at Hardwrench Hideaway at 7pm pacific time.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Why thank you my good Gobbo! I'll have to see where I can pop my head in and start setting down roots. Thus far I have a Moocow paladin I'm enjoying creating a backstory for but I'm sure he's the first of many. I'm banning myself from making anymore blood elves haha!

In any case, I'll sniff out these events!
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'm happy to help and it's always good to hear more Horde RPers interested playing characters not of the elven variety ;-P

Anyway, feel free to ask me any questions and I hope to see you in game soon!
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97 Blood Elf Priest
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100 Goblin Warlock
Awww! There! There!

*gently pats Liore*

You know that... you'll always be that special elf in my heart right?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Well, running around on my orc shammy, I'm noticing that...Orgrimmar is....really really empty? I'm thinking/guessing it's not the main horde RP hub?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Orgrimmar is under siege and run by a crazy orc on old god steroids so no, it is not the main RP hub. Most people have been avoiding it for lore reasons.

Thunder Bluff and Silvermoon has more random activity going on. Just be aware though that Silvermoon is where the Horde ERPers, usually from other realms, tend to hang out.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Oooooh I getcha! On WrA it was pretty much decided a few months after the raid released that it got taken back and Garrosh is gone (Much QQ from the abusive Kor'kron players) But I'll scout out Silvermoon, see if there's any trouble an old orc can get into there ;P
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well it is very easy to get into trouble in Silvermoon but best of luck anyway!

It is also worth the reminder that Cenarion Circle, like Sisters of Elune, is a low pop realm with only a fraction of the players of Wyrmrest Accord. You simply will not be seeing a lot of folks running around in areas not cross realm zoned, especially outside of peak gaming hours.
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