A Fond Farewell

90 Night Elf Druid
Dear Cenarion Circle,

It's hard to believe that eight years have passed since my character first came into being on this server. Over that time, I've watched many depart, I've read every goodbye post that has appeared on our server forum even when I did not know the person and wondered what I would say in my goodbye post one day. Now it is my turn to finally say good bye, and despite all of my ponderings over the years, I find that in the end, I really have very little left to say. Most of my emotional investments throughout my long, continuous journey through all that Azeroth had to offer have long ago resolved in one way or another, and now I make my formal farewell as my character is committed to being quite possibly offline forevermore.

My account officially expires on the 22nd. Some of you might see me pop into game to wrap up final loose ends before then. I don't know as many members of the community anymore, as a lot of people have left over the years, and my increasingly busy life schedule has prevented me from getting to know people like I did in the past. Regardless, I wanted to extend a huge Thank You to the folks here on CC, especially to the RP community. You guys bring flavor to the server, for me you've always been the soul of what I think of when I think of Cenarion Circle. Despite the abuse that you guys sustain, you always rise above it, continuing to breathe life into a world that is otherwise nothing but pretty graphics and lots of numbers. Thank you for helping make my long stay memorable. I am extremely grateful for the years of overwhelming, unwavering support that you guys have shown not only myself, but to my guild. I feel lucky to have been able to randomly encounter those of you in the world acting out your great stories, or simply taking a leisurely stroll through town in simple garments that contrast strikingly with the ridiculous armor that our characters wear. I'm still not sure how it is that I've managed to establish friendly relations with not only players who have been Alliance their whole lives, but also with the same type of players that are on the Horde side.

I'm really glad to have made CC my home. It has both directly and indirectly given me some of the most important things in my life. I met my husband seven years ago on CC. CC has provided the sort of environment that draws people of like mind to me, even though none of us are RPers, with whom I've established long term real life friendships. I would be lying if I made it sound like it was all happy times, but even the most trying circumstances have never made me question my decision to remain on this server all these years.

Warcraftier will still be around and raiding, but among other things they'll need a new bear butt. Qualified bear butts please go apply! :D

I'll still be playing Blizzard games occasionally, so for those of you who want my battletag or other contact info, drop me a note before the 22nd. Otherwise, take care everyone, and best wishes! :)

- Lerr
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100 Gnome Priest
We didn't chat much, but I'm going to miss seeing you in channel. Good luck in everything you're doing!
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100 Gnome Priest
Though we've never chatted in-game, and I've never run across you (that I can recall), and I really only "know you" via forum posts, I am still saddened to see that you are leaving for good.

04/10/2014 02:24 PMPosted by Lerrielin
I wanted to extend a huge Thank You to the folks here on CC, especially to the RP community. You guys bring flavor to the server, for me you've always been the soul of what I think of when I think of Cenarion Circle. Despite the abuse that you guys sustain, you always rise above it, continuing to breathe life into a world that is otherwise nothing but pretty graphics and lots of numbers. Thank you for helping make my long stay memorable.

*gnome tears* Awwwww.

I sincerely wish you all the best in what you're doing, and I think the community will agree when I say that the CC doors will always be open if ever you wish to return.

:D Bestest of wishes!

*gnome hug*
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100 Pandaren Monk
Didn't have any particular opportunity to -know- you, but those few interactions were always amusing. Wish you all the best, wherever your wild wanderings take you and yours.

Slooow Dooooown!
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97 Blood Elf Priest

That night on the bridge, spanning Trade and Dwarven, I will never forget. It was then that Stompybird smished my shoulders into my kneecaps.

It was then

that Stompybird smished her way into my very heart.
Edited by Liore on 4/10/2014 6:58 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
You'll be missed crazy fuzzy bear :/ I have faith though that one day the black hole that is CC's community will drag you kicking and screaming...perhaps with a bit of stomping even...right back to us :)
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100 Gnome Priest
Every time I see someone with <Warcraftier> below their name, I know they are good people and that should an ugly stinkin' Hordie happen to airdrop on me right then and there, they'll protect me. But more than that, and more than all the generous prizes and giveaways, it's hard to put into words how much it means to have some of the most skilled players on the server support roleplaying so wholeheartedly.

For as long as I've been on CC, you've been the face of that positivity, Lerrielin. Thank you for setting the bar so high on what it means to be a community leader. It's been an honor sitting around Shrine with you.
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100 Goblin Warlock
04/11/2014 04:42 AMPosted by Khromie
that should an ugly stinkin' Hordie happen to airdrop on me right then and there, they'll protect me.



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100 Gnome Priest
Don't cry, Worm Melt! For a sentient booger, you're not so bad!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Awww thanks Cream Puff! You're not so bad yourself... for a lawn ornament.
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90 Human Death Knight
how will Cenarion Circle and Warcraftier BEAR it without you? =(

All the best in the future Lerr and Qhi!
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100 Human Mage
You will be missed, Lerrielin. Good luck wherever you go!
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90 Night Elf Druid
I would offer my bear butt but I have a guild to run already, I will miss you dearly Lerrielin. All the best to you <3
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90 Night Elf Druid
I will miss you Lerri, for the longest time I have had nothing but respect and admiration fro you and the guild you built. Warcraftier is easily the most well known guild on the server, not just for raiding but as a quality group of players and of people. You will be missed by this community, from those of us who have had the pleasure of meeting you and looking up to you, farewell and safe travels to you always.

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100 Human Paladin
I guess I'm cracking up. I thought I posted a response last night.

I read this with a very heavy heart. I had already heard it from Q, but tears flowed when I actually read it. I've known you both for many years. Lerri, you more, of course. You've alway been a huge supporter of roleplay, rolplayers and roleplay events. Much of the time you did it behind the scenes, but you were always there and I appreciated it more than words could tell. You made events bloom on this server.

The costume contest was the biggest rp event in terms of prizes, and probably fun if the truth be told, the server has had thanks to you and Warcraftier. It was a lot of work, much more than anyone realizes. The judges worked for days sifting through the entries and sorting into different categories, creating new categories because there were so many excellent entries and then making those final, very, very hard decisions. In return you had a couple of chuckleheads complaining and whining, but you took it in stride and I thank you for not letting it get you down.

You've been a friend and made me laugh on many occasions. When i first returned to the game after a very long absence, I wasn't paying attention when I slapped on some gear and mistakenly put on some intel boots with my ret gear. You were perched on a mages shoulder and God forgive me I can't remember his name and he was a friend, but my brain is rusty, anyway, you in bird form pooped on his shoulder. I laughed. He said it was because he refused to mate with you and give you kittens. I laughed harder. Then you flew away and traded in some honor points for some wonderful ret boots that were far better than what I owned anyway. I refused to take them and you refused to take no for an answer.

You two built a great raiding guild with a lot of heart and that is a rare entity. I hope we can keep in touch, so yes, I would like your battletag. I may have less time to spend in game myself before long, so it will be good to keep in touch as we can.

In the meantime, I raise a toast in honor and farewell.
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100 Undead Warrior
We wisssh you all the bessst, yesss!
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90 Dwarf Hunter
To Lerr and Ty. ( I will never call you Qhi :P)

I wish you well together in whatever you do. We've been playing together for a long time (more than 8 years?), and we've managed to stick together through a lot of good and bad times. The guild you guys created (I'd like to think I helped =) ) has become a staple of this server, and attracted (mostly) the best this game had to offer, and held players to a higher standard than others would.

We're on each others' bnets, so I won't say goodbye, but good luck.

P.S. Still note sure if I can RSVP yes yet, but I still got 8 days to decide! :P
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100 Night Elf Priest

I count you as a friend. We did not talk much but always acknowledged each other out in the world and often times jumped in and helped each other if only for a short while. Good luck to you in the future my friend! You will be missed!

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100 Dwarf Warrior
We'll always have Stables. <3 Here's lookin' at you.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Best of luck to you and Ty post-gaming world. It's been years since we've raided together but still manage to keep in touch via btag.
We'll have to have a game of hearthstone sometime!

I didn't get a chance to see you leave, but I'm sure it went something like this

"Ler out"
*drops mic*
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