WoW themed/inspired dreams.

100 Troll Warlock
Didn't a thread like this exist eons ago? I thought it did.

Anyways, go ahead and type out such dreams ya may of had!

I tend to have very vivid dreams, and for the most part they are fantasy themed but I have very few WoW inspired dreams. I did however have one the other night. It was set in the real world, and there was some sort of war going on. Pretty much WW3, but I guess it had been a looooong drawn out war because guns and the such were a rarity. So then the WoW part kicks in, I guess the world grew tired of humans. Myself and a few other's came into being. We woke up from amber prisons hidden away all around the world. Yup, amber prisons, I was a mantid, a Paragon. I wasn;t one of the ones we wake up in the game, so I was pretty much myself, but as a mantid. No hive, or ideas to defend, no old gods to worship, our goal was simply to save the planet and erase humankind. It was kind of a bonus, it was a flying dream as well, but it felt pretty natural. I don't recall an end to it, just that some of us even flew up into space, humans had just started managing to build escape ships/arks to get away from the war. There wasn't really an end to the dream, I just sort of woke up, but I can say it was not looking good for the humans. As a mantid armed with magical weapons and able to fly out even into space, while the humans weaponry was pretty much used up and them reverting to melee weapons again, no chance.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I once dreamed my account got hacked. Does that count?
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