Guild idea.

100 Human Paladin
So i was in Vashj'ir and was wondering if a guild could be created....maybe of druids? I am not sure. Was thinking of making a guild but not sure how it would work. What you guys think?
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A guild of druids can always be created. What would these druids be doing in Vashj'ir?
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100 Orc Warrior
Maybe these Druids prefer watery life rather than land ones? Lots of water forms rather than cat and bear ones... Most of their abilities are more centered around aquatic life, like summoning fish and sharks and such.

Just imagine a Tauren Aquaman. Heh.

I like it. I say go with it. :) Definitely a different idea, but very plausible and it'll draw attention.
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90 Tauren Paladin
Me and my friend thought of making a submarine guild centered in Vash'jir. But we need sky golems to have awesome Pac Rim battles and neither of us have the money.
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100 Orc Warrior
I won my Sky Golem from one of those 25g gift things.

I bought five and got it in my second one. Best use of money and most amount of luck I'll ever accomplish in this game again.
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90 Tauren Paladin
What is this thing, and what else does it drop?
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100 Orc Warrior
It was something another player was selling. He was spamming trade yelling,

"Come buy 25g gifts and get a chance to win the Sky Golem mount as well as many other useful items! Don't miss your chance for the coolest mount in-game!"
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100 Tauren Hunter
05/05/2014 06:14 PMPosted by Canniibal
It was something another player was selling. He was spamming trade yelling,

"Come buy 25g gifts and get a chance to win the Sky Golem mount as well as many other useful items! Don't miss your chance for the coolest mount in-game!"

I got a Mechano-Hog this way, sadly, most people think the person is trying to cheat them.
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100 Gnome Priest
05/06/2014 08:18 AMPosted by Hunterhorn
05/05/2014 06:14 PMPosted by Canniibal
It was something another player was selling. He was spamming trade yelling,

"Come buy 25g gifts and get a chance to win the Sky Golem mount as well as many other useful items! Don't miss your chance for the coolest mount in-game!"

I got a Mechano-Hog this way, sadly, most people think the person is trying to cheat them.

Heh, that's neat :)
I got my Chopper from the Blingtron daily gift after a week of hitting them everyday. That made my whole week.
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100 Gnome Priest
05/05/2014 04:44 PMPosted by Dorlane
So i was in Vashj'ir and was wondering if a guild could be created....maybe of druids? I am not sure. Was thinking of making a guild but not sure how it would work. What you guys think?

Yes! Such a great idea :) If this all aquatic druid guild existed on my serve I wouldn't hesitate to join up. I'd never leave my Orca form :D
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9 Human Rogue
i say go with it dude only 2 classes will be able to pull of an all 1 class guild (druids and paladins)
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100 Orc Warrior
Rangers guild for Hunters, Assassins guild for Rogues, Elemental guild for Shaman, Arcanist guild for Mages, Cultist guild for Warlocks, Military guild for Warriors, Church guild for Priests, Monastery guild for Monks, Necromancer guild for Death Knights...
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100 Human Paladin
So i was thinking, small guild of survivors or refuges. using various empty places in Vash'jr as base camps. And druids are the sort of guides and wayfarers to assist and guild the others to camps.
Edited by Dorlane on 5/10/2014 12:28 AM PDT
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9 Human Rogue
05/09/2014 11:16 PMPosted by Canniibal
Rangers guild for Hunters, Assassins guild for Rogues, Elemental guild for Shaman, Arcanist guild for Mages, Cultist guild for Warlocks, Military guild for Warriors, Church guild for Priests, Monastery guild for Monks, Necromancer guild for Death Knights...

i meant if he wanted to raid
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100 Orc Shaman
Well Druids can fulfill healing roles, ranged dps, melee dps and tanking roles ... I shudder to think of the donnybrook when the leather pieces drop, however.

Also don't forget that the Cenarion Circle has had their share of Splinter Groups in the past. Druids of the Fang, Druids of the Pack, both of these organisations have been antagonistic examples of Druids pursuing a path that the Cenarion Circle did not agree with.

A all-Horde or all-Alliance Druid Guild that focused on the damage of the Cataclysm, traveling across Azeroth to take samples of mutant life-forms and trying to cure them could be a valid Guild-concept, or alternatively, Druids sick of the hand-wringing of their senior members who have set out to be a more pro-active force, actively targeting strip-mining operations and cities that recklessly pump toxins into the water and air.

Or maybe they're in search of the 'Deep Darkness' that dwells within the Nightmare Rift in the Emerald Dream, whose physical location is deep under the sea? Hunting down the Old Gods and their servants, seeking any way, any relic or ritual that might drag the Old God responsible for the Nightmare that sent the whole of Azeroth into a nightmare-filled slumber.
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