Come on Down to the dotOrg mon!

100 Human Paladin
Back by popular demand the dotOrg returns.

What is the dotOrg?
The dotOrg is website for all your Roleplayer needs, mon. Half-wiki, half-forums, ALL community, this website has been put together to serve the Cenarion Circle RPer base in whatever capacity they may require.

Where can I find it?

What features are there?
    Character pages/profiles - Share your character's history, families, and connections
    Guild pages - Advertise for your guild, connect with your guildmates
    Stories archive - Do you you have a completed story you'd like to submit? Or maybe you just want to read one of the many that have been written.
    Forums for ic/ooc/etc - Who doesn't love a good forum?
    Groups - The group feature is one of the most dynamic features of the dotOrg. It allows for the managing and creation of organizations outside of guilds (Such as Clergy of the Holy Light, SI:7 operatives, etc). Each group receives their own page/section with their own discussion boards.
    Galleries - upload your screenshots and adventures and share them with the community.
    Event calendar - Have a regular event? Planning one? Coordinate and share it with the community
    Videos - Whether it's machinima, recordings of events in game or other things related to RP or the RP community, you can easily share your videos with others.

Can I poke this until it's broken?
Yes. Though preferably not broken. There may be some hiccups along the way but Alelsa and I are working on them. If you find anything post it on our site support forum and we'll get on it!

Returning and New players account information:

We've written up a guide to help folks get started as we had some fixes to make. You can find it here:

We were able to restore/preserve a certain amount of data and know it's not everything but it was nice to save what we could.

If you have troubles/problems you can send us an email: and we can help.

This site is for you, the community of roleplayers.
Edited by Genevra on 5/11/2014 4:47 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Can I join or are Horde/Goblins/Sisters of Elune members not allowed?
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100 Human Paladin
05/06/2014 08:53 PMPosted by Mormel
Can I join or are Horde/Goblins/Sisters of Elune members not allowed?

The way the main site ( links characters is via Blizzard's API and checking against the armory to see that the character exists on Cenarion Circle. So you would not have success there because the system would not "find" your character as it is on SoE.

However, in attempting to plan for some opportunities if/when the realm merger goes through, many features are available to members of SoE by registering on the community side of things ( This is where you'll have access to forums, videos, galleries, and groups.

Edit: This may change in the future but as it stands now the two sections have separate registration.
Edited by Genevra on 5/7/2014 5:56 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I have a few questions, if you wouldn't mind answering them,

1. Have all of the bugs and issues been fixed? Particularly those which have security impacts on profiles and users?

2. Is it still active?

3. Is it tolerant of vigorous discussion or do the moderators believe that disagreement is hostile by nature? If you have a qualified "yes" or a qualified "no", I would greatly appreciate having those qualifiers enumerated.

Thank you.
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100 Human Paladin
05/07/2014 08:14 AMPosted by Kyalin
I have a few questions, if you wouldn't mind answering them,

1. Have all of the bugs and issues been fixed? Particularly those which have security impacts on profiles and users?

2. Is it still active?

3. Is it tolerant of vigorous discussion or do the moderators believe that disagreement is hostile by nature? If you have a qualified "yes" or a qualified "no", I would greatly appreciate having those qualifiers enumerated.

Thank you.

1. Yes, the bugs that were associated with the security issue have been 100% addressed.

2. As it was just made "live and available" yesterday that is to be seen.

3. Discussion is welcome, argument for the sake of argument that may be perceived as harassment or otherwise harmful or rude (i.e. personal attacks etc) is not tolerated, just like most other online communities.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Interesting. Well hopefully this promised merger between SoE and CC will actually occur sometime soon...
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Wow. That brings me back.
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100 Human Paladin
05/07/2014 06:12 PMPosted by Liore
Wow. That brings me back.

What is dead may never die.
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100 Worgen Rogue
Holy crap, it LIVES?!? WOOHOO!
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100 Draenei Warrior
I put in a few lines of text.
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100 Gnome Priest
*shifty eyes*

*clears throat*

I give you.... an updated dotOrg jingle!
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100 Goblin Warlock
*With a heavy heart she stands outside and struggles to look through the window, which was placed a tad high for someone of her height, at everyone having fun inside.*


*She frowns as rain begins to pummel her mercilessly from the heavens. In the distance the howl of a wolf can be heard.*

"I'm cold... wet... and I hate dogs..."
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100 Human Paladin
A few lines Noikona? You wrote a novel.

Thank you Dersha!!

Mormel, you could always roll a toon on CC.... it's not gonna hurt you.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well... I'm a main-addict so I'm required by law to only have one character. Thus, I really have no choice but to wait with increasing impatience for that merge between SoE and CC.
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100 Worgen Rogue
I'm just saddened that it looks like my old Boss Battles topic over there appears to be among the data that was lost.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Yeah, Harm. Most of my work is gone too.

Which is kind of satisfying in a blank canvas sort of way.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Mormel, roll a Night Elf! I know you want to. I will give you any dress out of my collection FREE of charge!
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100 Worgen Warlock
05/09/2014 08:34 AMPosted by Mormel
Well... I'm a main-addict so I'm required by law to only have one character. Thus, I really have no choice but to wait with increasing impatience for that merge between SoE and CC.

We need to introduce you to altohol. Come on. You know you wanna.
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100 Gnome Priest
05/09/2014 12:34 PMPosted by Rakeri
05/09/2014 08:34 AMPosted by Mormel
Well... I'm a main-addict so I'm required by law to only have one character. Thus, I really have no choice but to wait with increasing impatience for that merge between SoE and CC.

We need to introduce you to altohol. Come on. You know you wanna.

Come ooooooon. The grass is aaaaalways greener over here!

Ah the wonders of Gnomish Technology and biometrically enhanced regenerative flora-mineral watering compound. The green never fades! Just don't let it touch your ski... *looks at Mormel* ...oohhh... Too late.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well I appreciate the encouragement and the offer of a free dress but... I don't know. The Alliance kind of blows. Just consider the following:

-The Alliance's overall leader is a warmongering, racist psychopath and ruthless dictator.
-Most of the Alliance races are hunched over monstrosities with bad teeth.
-Also, all of their racial abilities are OP.
-Alliance cities are filthy mud heaps with confusing layouts.
-The Alliance is clearly the bad guys or, at the very least, aggressive anti-heroes.
-Gnomish technology is crude, dirty, imprecise, and prone to explode.

And the list goes on and on.

Still... I probably should use the level 90 that comes with WoD on something so... maybe I will make an Alli char on CC? *shrugs*

I guess I'd be open to thoughts and suggestions on the matter but I don't want to derail this thread any more than I already have.
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