[A] Looking for Guild

100 Dwarf Mage
The following leaflet has recently been pinned to a wall of the Blue Recluse in Stormwind. It is partially buried behind a promotional poster for the Sword of Oarwind movie.

Looking for Guild
Good day lads and lassies! Allow me to introduce meself. I’m a recent alumni of Stormwind University and ye can bet I’m quite proud of it to boot. Granted I don’t like to boast about me wee self but I did graduate in the top 100% of me class and ranked number fifty six*. Aye, it goes without saying that I’m certainly quite accomplished and competent when it comes to all things arcane.

Now that I’m out I’ll be needing a bit of work to keep me busy. Just like with me food I’m not terribly picky about me job so long as its honest. But having an employer who just happens to have an accomplished in-house chef and a full pantry is a mighty big plus!

Anyone interested should write a note with yer contact information in the space below. I’ll be regularly checking this flyer so it should not take long for me to get in touch with ye.

Anyway, I look forward to meeting ye all, my future guild!

*I'm legally obligated to mention that my class consisted of fifty six students.
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Yes, Gerhilda wants to be in a guild. There are already a few of you I know from Horde RP events but there are many I don’t know as well as I would like to. Thus, joining a guild is the obvious solution for becoming better connected with Cenarion Circle’s Alliance RP scene.]

[As of right now there are two guilds that immediately interest me since I have several good friends in both of them. They are Terra Incognita and Conclave. Of course I’ve read through the Guild sticky and I’m open to hearing more about other active guilds on the server.]

[For the sake of full disclosure I am an RPer and a PVPer, enjoying both of these aspects of the game. I am NOT a raider outside of running old content for fun or achievements. Therefore, any guild that has members or connections to players that participate in RP or PVP, or even both, is a plus. I typically prefer more “fluid” RP events and I like running random BGs for PVP. Arena does not interest me that much but rated BGs do intrigue me.]

[I will say though that my experience solo queuing for Alliance BGs has been pretty painful so far and I would love to join or organize some premade nights with any CC PVPers that are interested. Granted, Gerhilda is still in the process of gearing up so she’s quite gimped in PVP for the moment.]

[I also want to point out that Gerhilda is a boosted 90. Thus, I will not be able to do much to contribute to the guild bank for a while since her professions are still being leveled and she has very little gold on her. Once she is in a better spot though I’ll gladly contribute healing and dps potions to the guild.]

[Anyway, that about sums it up. Feel free to ask any questions and I’m perfectly happy to meet in-game for an IC RP interview. Thanks for reading!]
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100 Human Rogue
(*Makes wiggly fingers in your brainmeats to join us...as Ti apparently collects crazy rogues, mages, priests and other sundry things.
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Wiggly fingers in brainmeats is pretty persuasive... or cheating... or both?]
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100 Draenei Mage
Min studied the note with a thoughtful look. Certainly a few more helping hands couldn't hurt, right? Kord had seemed more exhausted than usual the other day. Sure, she'd only been back a day or so and probably didn't have -all- the most pertinent details, but eyes and hands were always useful!

Her handwriting was neat and steady, without a drop of wasted ink- the mark of a professional scribe.

Dear Miss,

Should you find yourself available to do so, I think you may find a group of interest at Aeire Peak in the Hinterlands. Ask for Kordrion. I shall make sure Truk keeps a nice assortment of tasty things handy for your visit.

She opted to remain anonymous and tucked the reply neatly into the requested reply box at the post office, feeling that she had more certainly done a good thing.
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91 Night Elf Druid
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100 Dwarf Mage
Gerhilda smiled broadly upon reading the letter addressed to her.

"Aye! It' so great to get a response so quickly and with such impeccable handwriting!"

She then reread the letter once more, trying to pick out the pertinent details.

"Aeire Peaks eh? What a lovely place fer a guild to be located and it even sounds like they be having a Wildhammer chef. Oh those clansmen sure know how to make a good bowl of griffin gravy."

Gerhilda licked her lips as the image of pouring that delicious gravy onto a dozen glazed donuts fluttered through her mind. She began to lose focus and had to shake her head to snap herself back to attention. As Gerhilda skimmed the note one last time she fixated on one name in particular.

"Hmmm.... Kordrion? I suppose he’s the one in charge. Well I do hope he's a pleasant lad to work fer."
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100 Goblin Warlock
05/16/2014 10:58 AMPosted by Nitzana

No. No that would be a chipmunk.

Anyway, last chance for people to throw their guild hat into the ring. ;-P
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100 Human Paladin
As Genevra left the recluse she spotted the notice on the board and paused to read it. "A mage hm.." She said quietly to herself. "I expect it would be good for her.... she could use some more aid..." All of this seemed to be a half heard portion of an internal monologue.

Nonetheless Genevra quickly scrawled a note and posted it next to the original.

Conclave is always looking for more scholars and curious types, in addition we have need of those with a basic understanding of the arcane arts to assist with the research and acquisition of notable works. Please inquire further at the Northshire Abbey, ask for Genevra or Caileanmor.
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100 Dwarf Mage
Gerhilda took a big bite out of her most recently purchased glazed donut. Her spirits were high after receiving that guild letter from the post office and she decided to treat herself to just one more batch of sweets before heading home. She still did not have a place of her own yet so had been renting out a room at the Blue Recluse since they offered a tidy discount to mages.

As Gerhilda gently pushed the door to the tavern open and made her way inside she abruptly paused. Something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. It was like something had been misplaced. She slowly turned and approached the tavern wall to see a new sheet of paper pinned to its surface.

“Oie! Is that another letter for me?”

Gerhilda took one more bite of her donut as she read the note.

“Aye it is!”

Her cheeks turned a deep crimson as the reality that she had received two guild invitations in the same day began to sink in. Becoming a bit panicked she rapidly devoured the remaining batch of donuts in order to calm herself down.

“I… I never expected that two guilds would be interested in a wee lass like meself. I suppose I had better look into both of them to see which one is best for me… and can make the tastier sweets.”
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Thanks for the invitations everyone! :D My contingency plan in the event that two or more guilds became interested in Gerhilda is to hold IC RP interviews. That way we can see first hand the chemistry of our characters and let that be the primary deciding factor in what guild she ends up in.]

[Kordrion and Genevra, if you two are interested in this then just let me know. We can schedule a day and time for the interviews in this thread or you can contact me in game when you get the chance. I also have no problem doing an impromptu interview if you happen to catch me when I’m on Gerhilda.]
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100 Human Paladin
((By rule, Conclave does not do interviews, as most questions are answered in the application process. We do in character introductions after the fact, however, if you would like to meet up with folks and RP that can be arranged, but it will not be anything so formal as an interview.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
[No worries. Interview was perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. I'm thinking of it being more of a meet and greet than an actual formal interview. Anyway, I'd love to get together with you Genevra whenever you are available.]
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100 Human Rogue
(You can catch a horribly confused Kord whenever! and you know where to find both Genevra and I so :) feel free to take a stick to the channel when you're about.
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100 Draenei Mage
))OOoh, oh Kord. Can Min come? <smiles sweetly>))
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Awesome! Tomorrow is Horde Lounge Night so if I don't catch either one of you before then I'll try to hook up sometime Sunday.]
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100 Human Rogue
05/16/2014 11:52 PMPosted by Mormel
[Awesome! Tomorrow is Horde Lounge Night so if I don't catch either one of you before then I'll try to hook up sometime Sunday.]

(Just a note, Ket/Kez can get ahold of me any time I'm actually online as can most of the AAMS crew! May not always be logged in or tabbed in
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100 Goblin Warlock
[Gotcha! I'll be sure to pester Kezzy ;-P ]
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100 Goblin Warlock
[A big thanks to both Kord and Gen for taking the time to meet with Gerhilda. She has just joined the ranks of Conclave but I do hope to still have many RP sessions with Terra Incognita in the future.]

[For those curious the primary deciding factor was an IC reason. Gerhilda does not like fighting and Terra Incognita being a more militaristic organization than Conclave made her chubby, donut eating little self a bit nervous.]
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100 Dwarf Paladin
now I want donuts.
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