Alright Alliance. Convince me.

100 Goblin Warlock
So in the DotOrg thread a few people suggested that I make an Alliance character on Cenarion Circle. Now normally I'd be totally against such a... a... vulgar notion because the Alliance stole my dolly, kicked my cat, and ate my ice cream cone when I was just a young lass. In other words... you guys are a bunch of meanie heads and bullies! ;_;

However... this "merge" between SoE and CC appears to be on the back burner for who knows how long... and I should probably do something with that WoD 90 boost... and while I prefer to focus on one character, disliking alts in all of their forms, maybe having a second char wouldn't kill me...

Thus I present to you, the Alliance players of Cenarion Circle, the challenge of convincing me to actually roll an Alli char. I'm open to any argument (or bribe) you can bring to the table but I'd, uh, shy away from Horde slander tactics. It's also worth emphasizing that I'm still very much on the fence about this since I struggle as is to do everything I want in a week with Mormel.

While I am quite happy with the Horde RP scene I am nontheless interested in the Alli RP scene on CC. I'm familiar with the RP culture of this realm but I actually know little about the events or guilds Alliance side. Those who have RPed with me Horde side know that I prefer playing a comedic character and like attending very "fluid" RP events that allow for a lot of conversation with a variety of different players. Still, any info on this subject would be appreciated.

Also, while I do have an idea of the race, class, and type of character I might want to play I'm still open to any suggestions on that front.

Thanks in advance.... unless no one responds. In that case I'll just... uh... go back to my metal shack in Orgrimmar and continue eating rocks while I wait for my 10+ minute BG ques to pop. :-/
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Your shack is METAL? ;-;
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100 Gnome Priest
05/10/2014 06:56 PMPosted by Liore
Your shack is METAL? ;-;

Yes, and quite stylish as goblin shacks go or so I hear having never seen it with my own eyes. My own Gnomish eyes.

... and since we're on the subject of gnomish eyes, Might I direct your attention to the wonders of gnomish culture?

We have everything one could ever need to roleplay a fun and interesting species. Comedy you say? Why, we gnomes have that in spades and gnomatic shovels. Even the more serious role players, such as myself, often find that this race naturally lends itself to slapstick, observational humor, and irony very well with hardly any effort at all.

Alas, it is the blessing and bane of gnomish existence because even in the most serious of moments the mere presence of a gnome can bring with it a smile or a snicker.

*unwraps a candy bar and takes a bite*

Afsh fhor chhlasss, *chews and swallows*
Ahem. As for the class, well I'll leave that up to you. Class so often dictates character (or is that the other way around...) for us role players, and so that largely depends on 'who' you'd like to be... as I am certain you well know. I can however say one thing, we welcome all types. From the heroic, to the villainous, to the mundane.

So come on over! The artificially enhanced grass courtesy of GnomTech Lawn Care products is always greener on this side. Guaranteed!

Now, I'll allow someone else to expound on our various events and activities. I haven't been the most active RPer of late, so I'm a little out of the loop...

If I may offer some advise:
Roll out a few characters first to get a good feel of what you want. Then /join allianceooc and poke around for a bit to get the feel of different guilds and what's out there. Then level to 60 before using that boost, only because if you're 60+ your profs boost to 600 with you :D

Final Plug:
You're more than welcome to come join us here in Conclave! :D
Edited by Caileanmor on 5/10/2014 7:27 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
Because you can join AAMS and harass Kezrin on her alliance toons. Enough said.
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100 Human Mage
05/10/2014 09:05 PMPosted by Kordrion
Because you can join AAMS and harass Kezrin on her alliance toons. Enough said.

Well, we know who Kezrin's Alliance toons get to set on fire...and it's not whatever Mormel makes. Hint hint. :P
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100 Goblin Warlock
05/10/2014 06:56 PMPosted by Liore
Your shack is METAL? ;-;

Yes. Yes it is. Are you jelly? You know you're always welcome to come over to my metal shack for "coffee" and "dessert". If you're really good I might even pull a Princess Peach and "bake" you a "cake".


Thanks for the encouragement! However... a gnome? I mean, I do have some self respect. Not a lot mind you but some. :-P

In all seriousness though I've already rolled up a few different test Alliance toons to get the "feel" of them and there was just one I got a decent vibe from. My only complaint is the spec I want to go with clashes slightly with the race but... I could probably figure out a way to make it work. Still, it's good to know that the Alli side is open to all sorts of character types.

I've considered leveling to 60 before using the boost but to be honest I'm not that worried about the professions. I'd use the boost up front and then go back to quest in the low level zones for the experience (the literal experience, not experience points). This would make it easy to gradual increase my professions. Oh and yes, the 90 boost is still worth using despite me going through low level content because it would give me access to flying mounts right off the bat AND the end game PVP bracket so I can start gearing up.

Anyway, hopefully someone will comment more on the type of events held Alli side but thanks again! ;-)

Also, if there are any Alliance RPers and/or guilds that like to run random BGs then please make yourselves known.

05/10/2014 09:05 PMPosted by Kordrion
Because you can join AAMS and harass Kezrin on her alliance toons. Enough said.

Hmm... that's a very compelling reason. I do love harassing me some Kezrin and it only makes sense that I extend my e-stalking to her Alliance toons as well.

*hides photo album behind her back*

05/10/2014 10:52 PMPosted by Vendross
Well, we know who Kezrin's Alliance toons get to set on fire...and it's not whatever Mormel makes. Hint hint. :P

..... Kezzy sets people on fire Alli side? :-o
Edited by Mormel on 5/11/2014 4:46 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Hey, now… I don’t burn people! I might send singing chickens, poison people, destroy minds, create evil doppelgängers, send nice presents to mess with people’s heads, but I’ve never gotten past threatening to burn people and holding the match…

And, um, should probably mention that all wasn’t necessarily as Derscha.

Now, me, I’m a certified altoholic. While I have three characters I focus most of my attention on, I have a lot of alts I play when I’m in the mood for something different. That’s my style of play, and I admit it has some drawbacks- it’s harder to establish stories when I flit about - but I can’t really stand being stuck as one character for long periods of time. I am mostly an Alliance player because I’m very attached to my main, who I’ve been playing since my first week of WoW, and is human.

You should roll Alliance simply for the experience of being and Alliance player and experiencing the content; that’s the best argument I can give anyone who’s thinking of joining the other faction.

Now, what is it like over here? There’s a lot of OOC chatter to keep you company! That’s one of the things that drew me right away to CC. There’s a sticky on the forum that list common events, but the two largest and best know are probably the Monday and Wednesday night events: Monday alternates between a clinic and a troubadour night at 5pm server, both in Ironforge, and Wednesday is a weekly sermon at 6pm in Stormwind.

Unfortunately, I no longer attend either, as those are my raid nights. /long sigh. I’d wager Clinic is the most free-form of the three, since it’s based on who shows up and with what sort of maladies. Most of my RP comes from meeting people in the Blue Recluse and then networking through the OOC channels and my friends list. Lately I’ve been having very good luck in the evening finding people at the Recluse.

There is also the /HearthstoneIC channel that doesn't get used as often anymore, but it a way to get some RP going, or have in character conversations while you're busy doing other things.

There’s definitely plenty of room for silly and comedic characters, even ones who are not gnomes. (I don’t personally consider Derscha to be a comedic character, although she’ll use the stereotype to amuse herself.)

Alas, I haven’t been an active PvPer since the end of Cata, so I’m not sure who’s on the PvP scene these days.
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1: Because you love me
2: So I can give you these moths
3: There's no rule against playing in the Purple field (though I'm not on Ket much atm, I have a blind priest I'm favoring)
4: You and Khromie and Sizzle HAVE to get together and create SOMETHING. This cannot not be done.
5: Shopping spree in Darnassus.
6: You'll get to see the world's Fattest Panda.
7: You know you want to, or you wouldn't have posted, you just wanted to be sure you wouldn't be met with hostility or apathy.

*opens arms* Come Mormel! Join us!
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100 Goblin Warlock

Thanks for the info Kezzy although I must confess I was hoping the Alli side had something similar to the Horde Lounge Night. Oh well, it's good to know that many of those events are still active since I was not sure how up-to-date the CC guild and event sticky was. Still it sounds like this Blue Recluse is some sort of RP hub so I'll have to keep that in mind.

*discreetly snaps photo of Derscha*

05/11/2014 10:21 AMPosted by Ketyru
1: Because you love me
2: So I can give you these moths
3: There's no rule against playing in the Purple field (though I'm not on Ket much atm, I have a blind priest I'm favoring)
4: You and Khromie and Sizzle HAVE to get together and create SOMETHING. This cannot not be done.
5: Shopping spree in Darnassus.
6: You'll get to see the world's Fattest Panda.
7: You know you want to, or you wouldn't have posted, you just wanted to be sure you wouldn't be met with hostility or apathy.

*opens arms* Come Mormel! Join us!

1: This is true.
2: Thanks but I actually "found" some moths. They were caged in the room of a little space goat girl. I also "found" about a dozen unicorn stuffed animals there too.
3. Purple field? Does this involve large amounts of purple paint again?
4. Yes. Yes we should.
5. I do love shopping but... only if there are no worgen involved. That sniffing sound is distracting.
6. .... You mean Qumie wasn't the fattest panda?
7. Uh oh. Now were' getting all psychological, deep and Freud-like. Just don't use mind vision. You don't want to see what I see...
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100 Dwarf Mage
I wouldn't. The Alliance blows! Just consider everything you are leaving behind back on the Horde:

-Over time Garrosh has become a caring, compassionate ruler focused on preserving peace and maintaining the status quo.
-All of the Horde races (excluding the belfs of course) are attractive and have great posture.
-Also, most of their racial abilities, aside from the OP goblins, are balanced.
-Horde cities are clean, tidy, organized, and easy to navigate. Oh and they have elevators. Everyone loves elevators!
-The Horde are the idealistic good guys struggling to maintain their principles in an increasingly hostile world.
-Goblin technology is hyper advanced, clean, efficient, never explodes, and pretty reliable.
-Long BG que times in exchange for a 100% win ratio. I mean, it's not like you'd ever wait 15 minutes in a que only to get roflstomped. That'd just be crazy!

I could continue but I think you get the point.

Still... there are so many people you could harass on the Alli side. Kezrin, Khromie, Ketryu, Kordrion.... (see a trend?) and a bunch of other people you've met in game and on the forums. You could also punt Caileanmor and Rakeri... not to mention try on some of Elvenmoon's dresses. Hmmm....
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100 Draenei Warrior
To give you a challenge....IT WILLNEVER HAPPEN!

04/03/2014 02:23 PMPosted by Mormel
Your Alliance character is a tentacley space goat!? I insist you sign up to be in the next issue of Dancing Draenei!

And I would advice against rolling a gnome.
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100 Human Warlock
I know we haven't had the pleasure of interacting yet, Mormel, I am a player who has two accounts full of characters on both factions. Horde-side things are very quiet, but it's completely the opposite on the Alliance-side. There is usually someone on at almost all hours, which can be good, especially if you aren't on the same time zone as the server.

As for Alliance events, there are a number of them during the week:

Monday: Alternates between Clinic and Troubadour nights

Tuesday: The guild Feathers of Iron host a tavern night down in Booty Bay (well, they try to at least, although real life always has an impact)

Wednesday: Genevra from Conclave hosts a weekly Sermon

Those are the events I can think of off the top of my head, or at least, regularly scheduled events. Various guilds will also host events celebrating various occasions, usually announced ahead of time. There is also almost always someone in the Blue Recluse (a tavern in Stormwind's Mage quarter) looking for RP as well.

Incidentally, I also have an alt on Sisters of Elune (because of course I do). He is a troll druid named Razadrin.

Events or not, I do recommend having at least one alternate character on the opposite faction. It's interesting to see the alternate view point for a lot of the storylines and quests in the game. For some zones it's very similar, but for the zones that are driven by faction conflict, there are major differences. Let me know if you need any bags, I've usually got some netherweave bags laying around, and I'm pretty generous with new RPers to our little corner of the server.
Edited by Temperius on 5/12/2014 6:51 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
05/11/2014 04:39 AMPosted by Mormel
However... a gnome? I mean, I do have some self respect.

05/12/2014 06:17 AMPosted by Gerhilda
You could also punt Caileanmor and Rakeri...

05/12/2014 06:28 AMPosted by Noikona
And I would advice against rolling a gnome.

Saddened and disappointed by so much gnome-hostility, the old fisher-gnome retreats to the peaceful waters of Sha La Village on the coast of Jade Forest.

Perched on the end of a pier he fishes, mournfully watching his lure sink. The fading light of day casting a solemn-lonesome hue across the darkening water.

The old gnome sighs. So much hostility toward such a helpful, inventive and benign race. He shrugs to himself, thinking on all the efforts he's made his long life. All he ever wanted to do was save a life. Ease the suffering. Even now in his advanced age he just wants to enjoy his days and help the odd stranger now and then. Nothing more.

The old gnome, sad and lonely, gazed out over the endless sea.

He smirked a little to himself knowing that somewhere, out there, is Rakeri and others like him who may seem like typical gnomes to the unwary; but try and punt them and the infractor will be luck they only lose a foot, or a leg.

Variable tones and soft beeps drew his attention to the small mechanical squirrel seated beside him. The old gnome at the sea smiled then, comforted by the thought that he isn't so alone. After all, he has a S.I.M.S.
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05/12/2014 06:17 AMPosted by Gerhilda
Still... there are so many people you could harass on the Alli side. Kezrin, Khromie, Ketryu, Kordrion.... (see a trend?) and a bunch of other people you've met in game and on the forums. You could also punt Caileanmor and Rakeri... not to mention try on some of Elvenmoon's dresses. Hmmm....

Heyyyy, why do we have to harass the K names? There's 25 other letters to choose from!!
Besides, I'm mostly on Richard these days. And by these days I mean until Friday, which is my last day.

So no harassing! And no punting Gnomes. Go punt Broodin. He's been suspiciously well-behaved lately.
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100 Draenei Warrior
05/12/2014 10:42 AMPosted by Ketyru
So no harassing! And no punting Gnomes.

*has not punted a gnome in quite awhile*

Well yesterday, but that gnome was from Wyrmrest Accord, so that doesn't really count right?
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100 Goblin Warlock

Nice meeting you and I appreciate the useful info. That tavern night on Tuesday in particular sounds like it would be up my alley.

As for the comments about seeing the game from both sides I did play Alliance before... back in TBC. Yes, I'm a bit out of the loop with their quests but I'm not completely ignorant. I do have some legit reasons for my pro-Horde bias... such as preferring the color red and... stuff.

Oh and while we are on the topic when are the humans going to get some love in the lore? It seems like over the past few years Blizzard has been focusing almost exclusively on Draenei and Gnomes. You never even hear about, let alone see, Varian or his brat kid these days. This is Warcraft: orcs vs humans not orcs vs space goats after all >_>

Anyway, free bags for bank slots would be greatly appreciated although you do get a set of 22 slot bags with a boosted 90 which helps.

05/12/2014 10:42 AMPosted by Ketyru
Heyyyy, why do we have to harass the K names? There's 25 other letters to choose from!! Besides, I'm mostly on Richard these days. And by these days I mean until Friday, which is my last day.

So no harassing! And no punting Gnomes. Go punt Broodin. He's been suspiciously well-behaved lately.

Hey! It's not my fault there are so many K's. My harassment of them is purely a product of statistics.

More importantly what's this about Friday being your last day? :-o You're not leaving are you!? You can't leave!

*hugs Ketryu while sobbing uncontrollably*

Don't leave me!!!

05/12/2014 11:25 AMPosted by Noikona
*has not punted a gnome in quite awhile*

Well yesterday, but that gnome was from Wyrmrest Accord, so that doesn't really count right?

Naw. WrA folks of all types can use a good punting now and then.
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34 Gnome Rogue
05/12/2014 11:25 AMPosted by Noikona
*has not punted a gnome in quite awhile*

Well yesterday, but that gnome was from Wyrmrest Accord, so that doesn't really count right?

Hey! Goat!

I'm gonna tell the boss-lady you been punting gnomes! She ain't gonna be happy!
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100 Dwarf Mage
*gently pats Caileanmor on the back*

There there ye wee laddie. Don't be so down about it. Gnomes bring all sorts of wonderful things to the world like.. like...

*Looks down at the mechanical squirrel*

Those adorable wee robots and... um...

*snaps her fingers*

Ice cream! That's one o' me favorite foods! Now why don't ye drown yer sorrows on these before ye get back to yer fishing.

*offers to share a box of glazed donuts with Caileanmor*
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100 Worgen Warlock
05/12/2014 12:34 PMPosted by Mormel
Oh and while we are on the topic when are the humans going to get some love in the lore? It seems like over the past few years Blizzard has been focusing almost exclusively on Draenei and Gnomes. You never even hear about, let alone see, Varian or his brat kid these days. This is Warcraft: orcs vs humans not orcs vs space goats after all >_>

You do realize that Anduin played a good-sized part in the Alliance story in Pandaria, right? Starting with the fact we had to FIND the cheeky little snot.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I was being sarcastic. Yes, shame on me because sarcasm does not translate well online but I couldn't help it. I mean, a major complaint that I've seen over and over again from Alliance players is how human centric the Alliance lore has become. Heck, even Horde side it's easy to see where the Alli story emphasis is.

Although speaking of that snotty brat the Horde got the better end of the deal in Panaland. We enjoyed watching him get sucker punched right in the gut and. It. Was. Glorious!
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