Alright Alliance. Convince me.

90 Human Death Knight
Join the alliance and get a FREE* cookie

*void where prohibited
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100 Human Warlock

It's true, Humans have gotten the lion's share of development in the last couple of expansions, like Orcs have on the Horde-side. I didn't mean that you had to choose a certain race, either. But there have been a lot of changes to the various zones due to the Cataclysm expansion. I mean, in comparison to TBC, almost all of the races have seen development (whether it's positive or negative is a matter of opinion). It'd be worth leveling to 60 before using the WoD boost.
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100 Worgen Druid
I seem to have come to this rather late...
But if you join us you can get licked by me more! Not just that one time I found you at the Dark Portal, you know you enjoyed it! Also, where is my free cookie?
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100 Human Rogue
05/12/2014 01:12 PMPosted by Mormel
I was being sarcastic. Yes, shame on me because sarcasm does not translate well online but I couldn't help it. I mean, a major complaint that I've seen over and over again from Alliance players is how human centric the Alliance lore has become. Heck, even Horde side it's easy to see where the Alli story emphasis is.

Although speaking of that snotty brat the Horde got the better end of the deal in Panaland. We enjoyed watching him get sucker punched right in the gut and. It. Was. Glorious!


*Whispers* The brat gets turned into a pile of goo and broken bones. *Nods and wanders back off*
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100 Worgen Warlock
05/12/2014 09:43 PMPosted by Kordrion
*Whispers* The brat gets turned into a pile of goo and broken bones. *Nods and wanders back off*

He got better. Just like that one time I got turned into a newt.
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100 Goblin Warlock
05/12/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Osthur
Join the alliance and get a FREE* cookie

*void where prohibited



Free is wonderful!

@ Temperius

Yeah. I am interested to see the lore behind some of the changed Alliance zones. It seems like the Cataclysm really did a number on places like Westfall, Darkshore, and Loch Modan.

05/12/2014 03:49 PMPosted by Discauince
I seem to have come to this rather late...
But if you join us you can get licked by me more! Not just that one time I found you at the Dark Portal, you know you enjoyed it! Also, where is my free cookie?

Hmmm... I get licked so often I tend to forget where each incident occurred.

However I do recall a lovely worgen druid in cat form purring at me while I was loitering inside Black Rock Mountain.

05/12/2014 09:57 PMPosted by Rakeri
05/12/2014 09:43 PMPosted by Kordrion
*Whispers* The brat gets turned into a pile of goo and broken bones. *Nods and wanders back off*

He got better. Just like that one time I got turned into a newt.

He got better? Lame! LAME!
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100 Dwarf Mage
Oie! I think its about time ye introduce me wee self to the masses.


Oh... ye have to forgive me. I get so bashful when I'm put on the spot like this...

*begins eating some glazed donuts*

Aye. That's the kind o' courage I needed to see me through!

[Yes. Gerhilda is Mormel's Alliance alt. Now there is one more dwarven mage woman serving in your ranks. I'll try to attend some Alli RP events in the near future but next week will be pretty hectic irl. Thus, it might not be until the end of the month that you'll start seeing Gerhilda hanging out in places like the Blue Recluse.]

[Anyway, thanks everyone for your support and encouragement! I really do appreciate it. :D ]
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100 Human Rogue
05/12/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Osthur
Join the alliance and get a FREE* cookie

*void where prohibited

wait wait...I just noticed this. Where's /MY/ cookie? I best have a cookie at raid. And not a lock cookie, not that I don't like Akari's cookies but they kind of burn if you know what I mean? *Stares* Back on track, I mean while you DO give us noodles it's not the same! you make us buy them! ...what was I talking...oh yeah. I want my cookie!

...actually come to think of it you gave me a little bomb. Those are better then cookies...I shall now go plot to take over the world with Boom.
Edited by Kordrion on 5/14/2014 3:23 AM PDT
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100 Worgen Warlock
So you've gone from cookies to explosives? Damn goblin's twisted yer brain, Kord. Though admittedly, I don't think she had to twist too much...

<---raving lunatic throwing stones from glass house
Edited by Rakeri on 5/14/2014 4:00 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock

Yessss! Soon you will all be goblins just like me!
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100 Worgen Rogue
*wanders in*

*sees short figure with green skin*

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100 Draenei Warrior
05/14/2014 10:25 AMPosted by Harmarth
*wanders in*

*sees short figure with green skin*


*whispers to Harmarth*
“I bet she tastes like pistachio pudding”
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100 Goblin Warlock
Huh... I always imagined I'd taste like guacamole.
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