A Call to Adventure!

100 Draenei Paladin
(...or as some would call it repetitive grinding )
Anyway enough antics let's get straight to the point. Here soon I would like to start a Challenge Mode dungeon run that runs regularly during the week/weekend depending on the best days for folks. Hopefully we can work something out for everyone that meshes well but, I know how life works out for people and that's not always the case. As it stands for me Tues-Thursday I have nothing on my plate as college is out for the summer, for me at least. I can run this on the weekend but, only after 7pm eastern time. I can tank/DPS depending on what group make up. Let's have fun and be safe!

*Editors note: Goblins need not apply, THIS MEANS YOU!
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100 Goblin Warlock
An adventure sounds fantastic! Let me just grab my things an-

05/03/2014 09:28 PMPosted by Veovis
*Editors note: Goblins need not apply, THIS MEANS YOU!



Well... that's just racist!
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100 Draenei Paladin
Only slightly! It's more a safety issue, I'd hate for you to get mauled by those mean old Alliance Guards. :(
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100 Worgen Warlock
They are rather unsparing in their abuse of goblins. You should see what they did to the poor death knights about five-and-a-half years ago. It took weeks to get the smell of rotten bananas out of the streets of Stormwind!
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100 Human Mage
I'm definitely up for challenge modes, Veovis.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Excellent thus far the group seems to be, myself as the tank, Imperon for DPS, Belpha for DPS, Cerdiwyn for DPS, and Genevra is healing. Just because we have a "full" group however doesn't mean we aren't accepting more, we can definitely have a rotating schedule of some sort, or something of that nature anyway.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Yeah... those Alliance guards are big meany heads! What did us honest goblins ever do to them anyway? ;_;
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100 Draenei Paladin
We have someone else who wants to join in, Epox a worgen warlock, we'll have to rotate things about and what not I know a couple of you are tentative. >.o

Because they just like to be mean to people Mormel, just like the Horde Guards won't let my poor A.A.M.S Courier deliver things to Orgrimmar without chasing me about!
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100 Goblin Warlock
That's completely different because it is just a cultural misunderstanding on your part. Orcs say hello by slamming one another in the face with an axe. You'd get used to it if you spend enough time in Ogrimmar.
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100 Worgen Warlock
I'm super glad to be part of this group! Does anyone have an suggestions on which dungeons to start with? I figured it would be a good idea for us to watch some videos beforehand to get an idea of time cutting strategies.
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100 Draenei Paladin

I was digging around the forums and found this guide with videos. It seems that most folks tend to start with either Scholo or Gate of the Setting Sun for difficulty. That guide also comes a list of what we'll need and I wasn't expecting invisibility potions to be a part of it. I digress, anyway the guide also has some links to youtube for different dungeons and the guides for them.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Yeah, I've also heard that invisibility potions to skip certain parts is a common tactic in challenge mode runs. Of course the recipe for the good invisibility potions (ie the 18 second ones) is rare so finding an alchemist capable of making them could be a bit tricky. I'm able to make them but... you guys salute the wrong flag every morning so...

Oh one other thing. When you drink those invisibility potions they put almost all other potions on a ten minute cooldown. Just an fyi.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
My druid is able to make Invisibility Potions. I would definitely be willing to help you guys out with that. The only thing I would need is the herbs. I can get them myself if I'm warned a little bit in advance that you need potions. Feel free to add me and let me know if the need comes up.

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100 Goblin Warlock
The best place to farm mats for the invisibility potion is that monkey cave in northern Un'goro Crater. You can get 19 ghost mushrooms per run then fly a short ways north to the cliffs in Thousand Needles west of the Twilight Hammer camp to find lots of sungrass. You can get a stack of almost twenty potions in less than twenty minutes that way, even more if you happen to be a potion master.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Will do, and thank you for the information Mormel and you for the help Noremmi. :D We'll let you know if we need any potions a head of time.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Okay! So we may need a one or two more backups, I use that term loosely of course. We could really use another healer just in case people aren't able to make it! We're trying for 6pm server time on Thursdays, tell your friends!
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100 Goblin Warlock
You're welcome and have fun!
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100 Draenei Paladin
Anyone is welcome to come by the way! As long as you're willing to put up with Mormel. :O <3
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100 Goblin Warlock

Nyah! My presence is a privilege! I should charge people for the pleasure of listening to me sing songs to Icee.
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100 Gnome Warlock
Put me down for a backup. My schedule is rather hit and miss, but I would really like to start running challenges with a group.

btag me: caileanmor#1151
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