Cenarion Circle Active RP?

Hi there, I've gotta a bit tired of my other server and am looking for a fresh start. New toon / Server / Faction(?) and RP. Is Cenarion Circle an Active RP server, and are there any guilds recruiting? Horde or Alliance, doesn't bother me! Thanks in advance.
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100 Gnome Priest
We are indeed active sir, though our RP community remains somewhat smaller than others.

Nonetheless we have activities you are welcome to come experience and guilds aplenty, all filled with helpful knowledgeable people.

Take a gander at this thread for Guilds and Events.

And take a glance at this while you're at it. It's full of nifty helpful advice :)

If you pop on either side, it helps to join the OOC channel and introduce yourself. Don't be shy!
/join allianceooc
/join hordeooc
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Also please check out our dedicated RP-forums at www.cenarion-circle.org.

There's plenty of RP to be had on both sides, and a number of guilds always happy to welcome new faces. :D
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100 Goblin Warlock
As someone from a different server I can also vouch for how friendly, open and overall wonderful the community of Cenarion Circle is. They've been exceptionally welcoming to both me personally and my characters. :D

Now you should definitely take a look at the sticky mentioning guilds and events when you can. A good place to start Alliance side is to sit down at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind, join the allianceooc channel and see if anyone is available to do some RP. Meanwhile the AAMS Lounge on Saturdays is the ideal starting point for RP Horde side.

Hope this helps and welcome to CC!
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97 Blood Elf Priest

Don't go telling people we're nice. We're not. We're AWFUL. I will rip up your macaroni art RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nooo! Anything but that! I spent all week working on that macaroni giraffe! ;_;
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100 Human Warrior
I've found that usually, if I ask for RP in the OOC channel, I'll usually get 1-2 people to roll up for a scene.

On Alli, you can also hang out in the tavern in the Mage District called the Blue Recluse (the one right by the Mage Tower). If you hang out there long enough, usually someone will wander in for RP. Only problem is if your character wouldn't be caught dead in a tavern, but I've had people meander to Cathedral Square with me for a scene or two.
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