(OOC) A Final Farewell

85 Undead Rogue
Not sure if anyone around still remembers me or any of my characters -- Vectus, Vith, Dharg, Velnarin, Zurajin. It's been a long while since I've played, and this is probably more for my sake than anyone else's, but it feels wrong to leave without a proper goodbye. My last two years of college took a huge chunk of my time and I never really felt alright with coming back to WoW, given how much of a time sink it can be. I've since graduated though, and life has calmed down considerably, so here I am.

Cenarion Circle was my home for many years, and without a doubt my fondest memories of this game were made here. It saddens me to see the current state of RP on the server, and even moreso to learn that Modas all but died in my absence. Still, I will never forget the times I had here, the stories that were told, and all the players who made the experience such a memorable one.

Alas, I must part ways for greener pastures. I wish you all the best of luck.
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100 Human Rogue
Well there's a name I never expected to see again. You will be back, they always come back. *Makes with the finger tapping or whatever the hey it is.* In other news nice to see you atleast live and grats on Graduating :) Sad to see you going for good though.
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100 Human Priest
But if you are leaving, does that mean Ketlan must give up her dream of punching Vith in the face?

And as Kord said, congratulations on graduating, and best of luck with whatever you'll be up to next. You were one of the people who made me glad I moved to CC, and you will be missed.
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100 Human Priest
Posting on behalf of Harmarth, whose account is currently down:

"Sad to see you go, man; I had a lot of fun with Jon and Vectus/Vith's interactions over time, and the gradual, grudging respect the two came to share over time. We'll miss you; maybe we'll meet up again somewhere!"
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80 Human Rogue
D'aw, you guys are awesome. I still have this character on the server, so I might be tempted to stop by now and again.
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