(A) Fruit of Elune 14/14N recruiting!

100 Dwarf Paladin
Fruit of Elune is recruiting!

Fruit of Elune, is seeking new members with the goal of adding one to three (1-3) new individuals to our 10 person raid. Our guild fields a single raid which runs on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 9:30 pm server time. We are taking applications from the following:

1. Non Paladin healers
2. Ranged Dps
3. maybe a really exceptional tank.

(Melee DPS need not apply: we love you, but we also have far too many as it is.)

Minimum ilvl of 548-550 with experience in at least 14/14 flex, preferably Nomral mode of SoO as a baseline is required.

Background: As an off-shoot of the Cenarion Circle Raid Alliance, the majority of the core members of FoE have raided together since WoW Classic. Our members have varied professional lives; we have students, engineers, computer specialists, public servants, teachers/professors, and even a number of Canadians. Because our conversations in Mumble are often fueled by high-quality scotch and low-quality beer, only adult applicants (18+) need apply. Mumble use is mandatory - alcohol consumption is only encouraged.

Those interested should speak with and/or message Inic , Osthur or Cirup in game.
Edited by Inic on 5/22/2014 3:40 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
good people if a bit mentally unbalanced! (Aren't we all though?) Go forth and apply! Raid! stuff!
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100 Pandaren Monk
<Mentally Unbalanced>? I think that will be my next horde alt guild name. I like it!

Currently, we are just looking to flow through full clears; with an eye toward WoD's allowing flexible sized raids.
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100 Human Paladin
FoE is a great group. Finding a raid group is tough on CC. Looking for a long term stable home then they are the place!
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100 Pandaren Monk
Thanks Cassey!
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