Stormwind Union (Noikona’s Hearing)

100 Draenei Warrior
I just wanted to thank Orwyn, Azheira and Kord for finally bringing this to a reality. Also those that showed up Adrazel and Tremia that spoke on Noikona’s behalf along with Kord and Azheira, which was a pleasant surprise. To the others that showed up thank you.

It was allot of fun interacting cross guilds and using what the community has to offer in the way of structure and storylines.
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90 Human Paladin
You are quite welcome. It was fun. :)

I'm just glad Azheira's sassy mouth didn't alter the outcome.
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100 Human Warrior
Happy to help.

I hope I made you sweat a little, even though we agreed on the outcome in advance. ;)
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