[A] Dawn of Victory

85 Night Elf Rogue
The Dawn of Victory is a Mature Brotherhood looking for Dedicated individuals looking to find a family. (Casuals greatly accepted). When you join a guild like The Dawn of Victory not only are you a GUildie, but you become a Brother. We are currently looking to rebuild a great dynasty we once had before an era of inactivity hit.

As most Guilds, we have goals, and our biggest current goals are to rebuild and build a great social enviroment for anybody and to make the game a better experience.

We hope to also one day start raiding again, aswell as the numerous RP events we throw for our own guild and for the server. PvP isn't exactly one of the guild's prior focus, but I myself personally always PvP and take a few guildmates with me that like to do so.

The guild is ran by two guild leaders, Pembar and Llanus and our two officers Esbin and Wikeni. We don't make decisions unless the four of us agree on it, and we get members opinion aswell.

We are currently taking anyone and everyone who seems like a great person despite level, level dosn't equal character.

If interested or if you have any questions please send either of these characters an ingame message Pembar, Llanus, Esbin, Wikeni, Nardren, Kuin.

Thank you for reading and have a great day.
Edited by Esbin on 12/23/2010 10:56 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Rogue
Bump :]
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5 Human Warrior
when are yall usually on?
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85 Night Elf Rogue
Right 'now' :P
Had some RL stuff to take care of last week, but I should be on on almost everyday, but thursdays.
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Bump for this amazing guild I call home.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
I got a few members from this post, although we are still looking for more.
Here are a few things some of these new members said when I asked what they liked about this guild that other guilds don't have, or what it is that made them stick to us after joining.

Oldwydd says: You are fun and intersting people. I feel welcome here. People actually log on.

Oldwydd also leveled his alchemy from 1-cap and said tohave liked us so much that most of his pots made in the process went into our guild bank.

Crunchlet says: People are friendly (All of them.). I stayed because I felt welcomed to stay.

Nikovar says: I like how friendly it is, and how everyone is pretty laid back. I stayed because it seemed like a good place to make friends and have fun playing the game.

Wikeni says: What made me stay in this guild? the fun people and the helpfulness of al the members. What does this guild offer that others don't? You and Llanus... lol! but i'd have to say...the fact that we're not a bunch of snobs who judge others' WoW skills - we don't recruit a bunch of morons, but we'renot elitist jerks, either, and the PARTIES! WOOOO!

More soon to come :]
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85 Human Rogue
I've met a few really nice folks from this crew--definitely worth a free bump. :) Check 'em out!
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Too bad you're on the other side. =\
Best of luck to you anyways.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
Thank you to you both.

Blayne says: ''Mostly it's a social thing. I'm happy to have a guild that dosn't pressure me to join raids or level up fast or do this or that.''

Cynie says: ''What made me come to this guild, and stay in it, was the feeling of acceptance and laid back atmosphere. I feel like I fit in. Other guilds may offer end game advances, but at the cost of a wow family, it's just not worth it. Specialy one like this. I love DoV. :3''

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/Bump ;]
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Please contact Capuchin if you are interested in the guild.
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Bump!! :D Join our family as it prepares for Draenor!
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90 Undead Death Knight
I like the name. One of my favorite Rhapsody songs.

Good luck with the recruitment.

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