Mage fill-in (Normal and Flex)

100 Human Mage
If you are down a DPS give a call

If you are looking for, totally jaw dropping DPS then stop reading. My dps in current gear stays right at 200K on single target. Multiple targets around 300K, sometimes higher depending on how many I can DoT. I am comfortable with the Vale and the Gates and have only just begun to feel the waters in what’s next.

Things you should know.

  • Don’t tell me to use the Rune of Power. Yes, I have used it in the past. It’s not my play style. I prefer to be a mobile arcane mage (yes they do exist). My dps does suffer for this reason, but my survivability goes up.
  • I am a good listener but sometimes still make mistakes. It will seldom happen twice.
  • I will not go frost. I have tried it and don’t like it. Trust me I have tried it. Stop asking me.
  • I do give my best effort every single time I raid. If you notice I am not targeting something I should be, let me know.

Most of my gear has come from using the raid interface for finding flex raids and in my comments asking for Normal only. I don’t wish to do this anymore so I came here. I am tired of getting flamed by strangers. Rather get flamed by people I know.

For this week (the time of this writing) I have already done Normal 10 SoO on the vale and the gates. The rest is open. I don’t mind helping in Flex either as this always helps keeping me in good practice.

Terra is my PvE main
Noikona is my RP main. Usually I'm on Noikona if you need to reach me.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! Ya could try bein' a fire mage like me!
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100 Human Mage
06/05/2014 02:29 PMPosted by Mormel
Nyah! Ya could try bein' a fire mage like me!

Koudo told me what you really are... >.> Your secret is out ;)
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100 Goblin Warlock
I-I don't know what y-ya are talkin' 'bout! I'm a f-fire mage... with green f-fire... an' glowy, green mage biscuits an'...

Oh look! That crazy space goat is killin' a little doggy!

*runs away once everyone is distracted*
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