AAMS Active?

3 Human Warrior
Hello denizens of Cenarion Circle!
Greetings from Moon Guard. I have recently considered trying RP over in this stretch of the woods, and the AAMS guild caught my attention. I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not they were still active.
Thank you all for any information you can provide.
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90 Human Paladin
I suspect you will see a post from Derscha here soon, but for now, let me answer you affirmatively. Yes, AAMS is still active. Several of my characters have used them upon occasion and always with very fine results.
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90 Draenei Paladin
Yes we are active :)
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97 Blood Elf Priest
The Horde branch is also quite active, hosting a weekly event Saturday nights.
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100 Goblin Warlock
They sure are! In fact the All Alliance Monopoly Smugglers were able ta supply me with the latest The Sword of Oarwind book.
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100 Gnome Priest
... did someone say my name?

We are still active! Most of our RP is focused on Horde side at the moment, though we've recently added a few more people to our Alliance guild and the RP in general on Cenarion Circle is more active Alliance side.

Our current website is AAMS.enjin.com for more information about us, and we extend an open invitation to anyone wishing to contact the guild to join the /aamsooc channel; it's the easiest way to find us when we're hanging out on our alts.

Don't forget to join /allianceooc to meet the larger community, too!
Or /hordeooc if you're going to the red side. :)

I hope to see you in game soon.
Edited by Derscha on 6/5/2014 9:12 PM PDT
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3 Human Warrior
Thank you all very much for all the feedback! It was all very helpful.
Derscha: If you're online later tonight, I had a few questions about the guild if its alright with you. Thank you for the response! Hope to see you in game soon as well
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