Court system and laws

38 Dwarf Paladin
Hey there I was remembering something on this server about a regular court system, with laws and rules set up fo rrpers to follow IC, not necessarily for everyone, but for those who wish to participate. I know my memory might be a bit skewed. Can any of you help me find that thread?

If you wish you can post the link to the WET in this thread someone is asking about being a judge.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I don't know about the Alliance but in Garrosh Orgrimmar if you commit a crime the orcs lash you to a tree and then head butt you three times!
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90 Human Paladin
I'm not sure if this is the thread you were referring to, but here is a link you might find interesting.
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100 Draenei Warrior
*pokes the law until it's almost broken and then hands it to someone else as it breaks*
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