Purchasing a High Society Hat.

90 Human Warrior
Dearest gentle ladies and men. Of various sizes and/or colors. As a dapper gnome of fine tastes and exquisite style, I'm seeking to buy the grape de le grape of hats. A nice top hat, tailors might call a High Society Hat. As it is a rare and prized item, I have the coin awaiting. If you can make one, know someone who can or has one, I shall personally stuff your pockets full of enough ill-gained loot to make everyone in the world perceive you as always happy to see them.

[ If interested in such a transaction, please, post your reply, or seek me out ingame with mail or simply by running up to me and seizing and throttling me violently then and there. We can discuss your price then. ]
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90 Human Warrior
As of yet, I have not had any luck in finding a source for this beautiful hat. So once again, I ask for help in finding a crafter for one. TO THE TOP OF THE BUMPY BUMP.
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