If you could be any dragon flight, which?

100 Gnome Priest
If you created a storyline and RP'd your character joining any dragon flight (and thus becoming a dragon him/herself, which would it be?

Why would it be that dragon flight?

How would your character join?

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If Cail were to join a dragon flight it would be the Bronze. Naturally he's a gnome so he'd fit right in alongside Chromie. I also think the overall theme of being an ageless time-warden fits. As for how I think he'd get mixed up in one of Chromie's crazy adventures and perhaps attain the privilege for accomplishing some sort of heroic feat. Rather generic I know.

How about the rest of you?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well Gerhilda is easy. She'd join the blue dragon flight because magic interests her and becoming a blue dragon would possibly make her suck less at spells.

No idea about Mormel though. She does not really fit into any of the dragon flights :-/
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100 Draenei Paladin
What about Black? Mormel could always go with the black dragon flight, as for myself I have no idea.... red maybe?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Black? Still does not really fit since they were charged with defending Azeroth and then Old God corrupted to want to destroy it.

You know now that I think about it Mormel could fit in with the Infinite Dragonflight. I can see her getting a kick out of screwing up the time line for laughs.
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100 Gnome Priest
06/09/2014 08:05 AMPosted by Mormel
Mormel could fit in with the Infinite Dragonflight. I can see her getting a kick out of screwing up the time line for laughs.

Oooo! That's a good one :D
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