[H] To the Sunwell we will go...

100 Pandaren Rogue
So, I'm working on a random plot line, but it involved Iri going to the Sunwell. And since the Sunwell in-game is...so well-guarded....well, he'll probably need help in getting there. But it can't be a big crowd of people. There are currently only two people who even have an inkling of what might happen in said excursion, and Iri would prefer to keep the number small, but still...

Any thoughts on how to pull this off? Or should I just do everything in writing and pretend we all took the trip together?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Hmm... unless if large numbers of demons are involved in the plot I don't think using the Sunwell raid would work. Not... unless if you had a group to clear the instance out before you start the RP.

As for actual guards you might want to convince some Blood Elf RPers to play the faceless "Stormtroopers" as you sneak your way around the cleared out raid.

Anyway, just a thought.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
I suppose I could attempt to find and complete the Quel'Dalar questline to get into the other version...why does RP have to be so hard!?
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97 Blood Elf Priest
-Grunt. Flex.-
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100 Gnome Priest
06/06/2014 07:39 PMPosted by Liore
-Grunt. Flex.-


Edit: on my horde alt even... >.>

Edit/Edit: What is the current state of the Sunwell anyway? Is it just mildly patrolled by guards or completely empty?
Edited by Caileanmor on 6/6/2014 8:10 PM PDT
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100 Pandaren Rogue
What is the current state of the Sunwell anyway? Is it just mildly patrolled by guards or completely empty?

Lore-wise, the Belfs are in control of it, and pilgrims are flocking to it and whatnot.

In-game, nothing has changed, unless you're on the Quel'Dalar quest, in which case, you see the most "current" version of the thing.
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