RP on Cenarion Circle

1 Draenei Warrior
Hello! I was wondering how the RP was here on both Horde and Alliance sides. Where are some of the major RP hubs and how active is RP? Also, what are the RP guilds like? How is the raiding here as well?
Forsaken RPers- Is there a lot? What is the forsaken community like?
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100 Goblin Warlock

Yes, RP is active on Cenarion Circle and healthy with both factions. The Alliance side does have the bigger community though so you are more likely to get random RP with them.

Anyway, the main Alliance RP hub is the Blue Recluse tavern in Stormwind. The Horde does not have a central hub per se but several regular events that draw a large crowd. The one I'd specifically recommend is the AAMS Lounge held every Saturday at 7pm server time in Hardwrench Hideaway.

The RP guilds are friendly and tight nit groups. I also know that there are several guilds involved in the raiding scene but I can not tell you more about them since I don't raid myself.

Finally, there are a few Forsaken RPers that show up somewhat regularly for events. However, I think a lot of the bigger Forsaken centric events take place largely with people from Moon Guard or Wyrmwrest Accord.

Hope that helps!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Cenarion Circle is known more for its community-centric feel and its scheduled events than for its random RP. However, given that we have CRZ with Moon Guard and WRA, unless you are confining your RP to Stormwind and Orgrimmar, the question isn't so much a question between random RP and community based RP, it's a question of what sort of community you want.

Cenarion Circle has a community website as well as community channels which help people to coordinate RP and to know what's going on when, and while I won't say that subdivisions in the community are nonexistent, the walls between them are significantly shorter than you would see on larger servers.

Hope that helps.
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