The Adventures, and Melancholy of Xalandir

100 Blood Elf Hunter
The Assassin, entered the party; Looking around at all the faces smiling up at him, he did his rounds and said his hellos, making an appearance was important to him, just as important as it was to make sure he blended in with the crowd.

"Ah Xalandir Sunsorrow! I thought we would never meet again, come over my boy, we have much to discuss!"

Said Dath'rok, a well renowned orc. Most knew him for his spice trade...Xal knew him as more of an informant, and Xal paid him regularly for his, 'mouth.'

"I have come for the one they call, Wo'lug Stormhammer, what do you know of him old friend."

"I am not too entirely sure Xal...I cannot recall, my memory slips me you see.."

Xal Sighed he knew what the orc wanted, and as he shook his head he tossed him a rather large coin bag filled with pyrite, Fake gold.

"Ah! Yes, I do recall him, he is well known as an accountant for the various banks in Orgrimmar, very greedy, very sneaky bastard that one. What Is it you seek from him Xalandir?"

Xal nodded, taking in the information that was just received unto him,

"He has been making the books look normal, and pocketing money from the taxes paid by the poor of Orgrimmar."

Xal shook his head,

"It is up to me to make sure this ceases at once."

Dath'rok nodded in understanding,

"Very well Xal, take this information I give you and use it wisely my son."

Dath'rok took out a piece of parchment and began to scribble a drawing upon it, a very well detailed map of the Estate.

"Wo'lug is in this half of the mansion, You have to keep an eye out for him, but be careful, his royal guard won't let you within ten paces of him, he's been watching his back as of late...I'm sure he knows that the Brotherhood of Shadows is on to him Xal."

Xal nodded,

"Very well, quick and silent as it were, Seems to be my specialty these days."

Dath'rok nodded,

"Go with the light Xalandir, and may the Matron of Darkness guide your arrow."

The orc placed a hand on Xal's shoulder,

"As well as you dear friend."

Xal patted the orc on the shoulder, and made his way to the bar area. He stopped a waitress who was on her way to take the next round of dinks to Wo'lug and his bodyguards,

"A moment My lady."

Xal gave the waitress a very friendly, handsome, smirk.

"May I help you sir?"

She smiled, with a rather flirty tone in her voice. Xal leaned into the woman, and gave her a very long, drawn out kiss, all the while he took a small vial from his pouch, and poured poison into each of the drinks. Xal smiled at the waitres, as she blinked at him in surprise, but he was handsome for her, and she winked at him.

"Next time, buy me a drink first hun.. Then maybe we can get together when I get off."

She winked at Xal, and made here way to Wo'lug. The orc was having a rather detailed conversation with various council members from Orgrimmar, about funding various changes that would suite him in the near future, no doubt, thought Xal for the few moments. Wo'lug took a mug from the woman, and chugged down the fine brown ale, wiping his filthy mouth after he finished. Xal had no remorse for a pig. After a few moments, Wo'lug grasped at his throat, the waitress shrieking as Wo'lug's dead body fell lifelessly to the floor. Xal gave himself a small smirk, and made his way out of the Estate. The job was done, and no one, was the wiser.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((there are a few edits, excuse my Misspellings, and my miss wordings, I hope my stories are enjoyful to you the reader, as they are for me writing them, Any sort of feedback is appreciated, just don't be a duche, thank you guys <3 Also feel free to post your own assassination stories if you want, After all, there are always more to beaded to the brotherhood of shadows ;) ))
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
The Eversong woods were rather cold this evening, but that wasn't enough to cause any kind of concern for the assassin. He made his way to Sunsorrow Manor, where a raven was awaiting him.

"To whom it may concern."

Began the letter, which was sealed with the Mark of the Inquisition.

"There is a problem, Which I would see taken care of, If it so pleases the party involved. Details will be given from a third party, -Signed, a Mutual friend."

The assassin took this letter, and threw it into a nearby brazier, and made his way towards the city.

The city was dull to Xal, he had been there his whole life, and it was nothing to him as it was when he was a child, he sighed and made his way to the Wayfarers inn. There sat a Blood Elf, Thanor Emberwind, ever so sullied by wine and !@#$, Xal pulled up a chair next to the man.

"Ah, Sunsorrow! I see you got the letter from our... 'Mutual friend' eh?"

Thanor laughed drunkenly, and Xal sighed.

"I did, what can you tell me about the target, That I do not already know?"

Thanor brushed the harlots away from their booth, dowing more wine, it seemed he was drinking it from the bottle rather in a goblet.

"Well that depends little sparrow, what do you already know?"

Xal rolled his eyes at the nickname, and gave the elf a annoyed stare.

"I know that it is an orc named Karrghed Ironfist, a well known dealer of fine tobacco, and other subtances..."

Xal stopped short only to be interrupted.

"Blood thistle boy, you don't have to hide it, those of us in the hall of respite know of its addictive effects."

Xal looked at the man with a rather angry scowl, and went on,

"I know that he cannot be touched... Legally, and I also know that he his rather...corrupted. He deals and then sells out the junkies, for recognition with the city council."

Thanor nodded.

"Aye, then you know why he must be done in eh?"

Xal nodded in response. He knew exactly what needed to be done, and how to do it.

"Karrghed, retreats to his tower every night at exactly two a.m. that is when I shall make my move, and that is when he will die."

Thanor smiled at Xal,

"Very well then brother, Go with the light, and may the Matron of Darkness Guide your arrow, this night."

Xal lifted his hood, and made his way out of the tavern.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((2/2)) ((cause apparently, I can't write more than 5000 characters, pfft))
* * *

It was one forty five according to the watchtower clock, Xal had enough time to gather the materials needed for tonight's killing, He didn't Like to think of it as murder...more like offerings to the Dark Matron, The one who guided him, and protected him, along his missions. Xal made his way to his office, and collected the items he would be using on this night, poison darts, three arrows, and only three this was important to him, and four throwing knifes.

Xal made his way to Karrghed's tower, there he was stopped at the door, by a rather large brute.


The large mans voice boomed.

"What business have you?"

Xal smirked and continued inside, the brute, leaned against the wall, helm lowered to cover his face, throat sliced, wide open.

Xal continued down the corridor, only to be stopped by four more guards, these, less brutish, and more fragile looking, not worthy of being called guards.

"Stop there, trespasser! You are under arres-"

Xal shook his head, and threw his throwing knives, dotting each of them in the forehead, as they fell to the ground, Xal made his way up the stairs and knocked on the door, another brute answered. He looked around the hallway, and scratched his head, above him, Xal waited legs stretched wall to wall, as he aimed an arrow down at his Skull. Xal let go of the drawstring, silencing the large brute. In the room there were two more guards, Xal pressed his back to a nearby wall, and took out a blowgun, he placed one poison dart in, and blew it at the guard furthest from him, the guard then began to look a bit drowsy, and laid his head down, only, he wouldn't wake up from that nap. Xal took the other arrow, and aimed it at the Orc sitting at the desk. He looked up at xal terrified of death.

"What you want?!?"

"Where is Karrghed?!"

The orc shivered from head to toe, as he had never had an arrow pointing right between his eyes before,

"Next room, Next room!"

The orc started to cry a bit, and foul smelling liquid leaked on the floor, Xal sighed, and let go of the drawstring, the closeness of the impact, and the amount of strength used by the hunter, separated the orcs head from his shoulders, and pinned it against the wall.

Xal made his way to Karrghed's chamber, and knocked on the door.

"Give me a moment, hold your horses!"

Shouted Kharrghed, he was rather angry about having been disturbed, he answered the door in his night gown, he looked up at Xal in fear, he knew what was coming for him. Xal kicked the orc back, knocking him to the floor.

"Wh...who ar..are you?!!? Are You death?!!"

Xal shook his head,

"I am the messenger, come to bring you too him."

"NO, NO!!!!"

The cries of Kharrged, filled the hallways of the tower. And all it took, was a simple oil stained cloth, thrown into a nearby lantern.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((Forgive my absence of writing, someday I just lose my creativeness, BUT NOW I FEEL LIKE WRITING! Enjoy :) ))

The ranger captain set down his satchel, whilst entering the old tattered tent he had set up deep within the wilds of Stranglethorn. Why was he here? He didn't even know the answer to that himself. Xal sat down on the small tuft of grass before his campfire; roasting what seemed to be the catch of the day, he began to ponder as the flame surrounded the fish, losing himself in his thoughts.


It had been sometime since he thought of his deceased wife. Yet every time he came to think about it, he didn't remember much about her. For one he remembered being happy, yet at the same time he remembered how quickly it had all changed for him, how one moment he loved her, and the next he ended her life.... His own wife? Crazy it seemed, yet it was not without reason.


Ah, Tis. He remembered much about her, her silk blonde hair, the way it draped over her shoulders, the scent of cherry blossoms, and how it seemed to radiate from her soft skin. He had loved her, with all of his heart, so of course it hurt when he came to learn of her demise. He didn't allow Kel to see the pain he felt, he often didn't let anyone see that side of him. He thought it best locked away inside of him. Deep, where no one would dare to poke at, with out fear of losing a hand.

The mistress,

Her name graced his lips, as he muttered the words, he felt... Strange, a good strange she was kind to him, unlike most... He felt rather safe in her presence, yet when he was away from her, he felt strange... As if it were just a dream, a memory. Yet it felt so real to him, perhaps he would discover more as their visits continued.


Eve was... Odd to him, yet he liked her because of it, she was friendly to him.. Even as he sat there in his sadness, she helped him, he felt bad for not telling her goodbye, just letting her walk off, it was strange for him, he had felt this way once before. Perhaps he is afraid, what if what ever happened to Tislina happened to Eve? He didn't particularly like this idea... He didn't show it, but he cared for her. Cares. Perhaps he would seek her out once he was done looking for the answers he was looking for. Although, even he didn't know what they where, or what he was looking for.
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