Draenei Female seeking...

34 Gnome Rogue
A hand written notice is found posted on various lampposts and mailboxes found throughout Stormwind.

A lovely, not quite so young, but she is a go--(scratch that) Draenei, so age is relative, is looking for a companion.

This particular Draenei lady is a capable warrior, a loyal friend and a mostly good person. (Maybe, I’m not too sure, but others seem to think so).

But the best part is she is a FANTASTIC cook!

Any eligible males (or possibly females – I’m not entirely sure of her preferences) should come on down to the Recluse in the Mage District and check out Noikona.

If you are interested, please contact Nabbi Sparkletrink for more information.
Edited by Lrigknab on 6/26/2014 11:26 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
Stared at the notice for a long time, her mouth open in utter shock. Before she knew it, she was spewing curses in eredun and searching the city for the pig-tailed gnome.

((I blame sleep deprivation
[Guild] Noikona: [Eredun] A maz zenn re rikk lok mishun ul

[Guild] Kundalini: I don't get it. Speak cat so I can understand

[Guild] Noikona: [Cat] Ra mrow screor? Brr meerrror screor
Edited by Noikona on 6/25/2014 9:19 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh this is good! This is GOOD!!!

<grabs popcorn>

In fact Gerhilda might be desperate enough to answer a want ad like that.
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Seth stared at the note for a while before taking one of the many he'd spotted as he walked around that morning.

"Oh hells! Chuckles is in the wanted ads? I'm saving this." He folds the note up and puts it in one of his pouches before continuing his walk with a new bounce in his step.
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90 Human Paladin
The writing on the notice looked familiar. Azheira paused to read it after placing a letter to her father in the mailbox.

“Oh, no. Oh, FEL no!”

Ripping the notice off the mailbox, she spun on one heel and headed to her house in Stormwind. If Noikona hadn’t seen this yet, she was sure to find out soon. And when she did…well, Azheira had better be there to stop her best friend from killing Nabbi.
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100 Draenei Warrior
06/25/2014 12:19 PMPosted by Azheira
Azheira had better be there to stop her best friend from killing Nabbi.

((Good luck with that))
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90 Human Paladin
<Considers sending Nabbi to New Tinkertown for a while.>

((Because Noikona would never go there on purpose.))
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90 Human Warrior
Vagras paused mid-bite of his sandwich, noticing the notice on the wall above him. Above all else, the word *Cook* caught his attention. Like a moth to a flame, it was far too appealing for him to pass up. "A great cook! I better contact this Nabbi lady and fast!" Stuffing the rest of his sandwich inwards, the gnome fetched pen and paper from a pack that sat at his side, quickly scribbling a return notice. He stuck it up next to the first, then set about traveling, intending to put his reply under every notice he could find, or until he found this Nabbi person.

In short, his reply went as thus;

Dearest oh so wonderful Nabbi. I, Vagras, the fancy-gnome of the Lluchduu Ocheliad, do hereby want to meet this great cook of a draenei you speak of. Do so contact me through whatever means you deem required. You shall in fact know me by sight by my fancy top hat and gigantic sword I carry.
~Vagras, the best-dressed fancy-gnome in the land.
Edited by Vagras on 6/26/2014 7:27 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Sifting through the daily heap of clippings and pilferings from the world outside of Teldrassil, Kyalin drew her attention to the notice - hidden somewhere between a once-private notification of a trading company's board meeting and a stack of copies of someone else's invoices - out of sheer curiosity. As she wrested it from the grip of more important events and news of every sort, the Warden's stark expression was made to yield by a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth, before she shook her head and placed it neatly in a relatively small pile of scandalous articles, and super-snapper FX images depicting certain venerated officials and businessmen in compromising situations - along with a copy of the latest "Sir Oarwind" novel.

Edited by Kyalin on 6/26/2014 11:11 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Mage
Gerhilda blushed ever so slightly as she reread the posted notice. She had never before considered entering into a relationship with another girl before, in fact her experience with relationships was nonexistent, but... the image of a tall, lithe Draenei woman wearing a pink apron while baking all sorts of delicious sweets was immensely alluring to her.

It was with no small amount of hesitation that Gerhilda finally penned a letter to Nabbi Sparkletrink.

Dearest Sparkletrink:

Aye! I am very interested to meet and [the word "court" has several thick lines drawn through it] er I mean assist this Draenei cook with her cooking. As a taste tester. Aye. A taste tester... unless she wants me to be doing more for her.

Anyway! I be an excellent judge of all dishes and can even do a wee bit of cooking meself. Please send her me regards and I'll try to swing by the Recluse some day soon.

Gerhilda Coldbrew
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34 Gnome Rogue
Nabbi could hardly sit still as she peered at the two responses to her notice. Both a man and a woman had replied with such eloquent and complimentary words. Her pink hair bounced in excitement as Nabbi began penning an answer to both Vagras and Gerhilda.

This was amazing! Noikona was sure to appreciate this effort to make amends!
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100 Draenei Warrior
It took allot of effort not to lop off Nabbi’s pink pig-tails and stuff them down her throat. Noikona let the anger dissipate as she busied herself sweeping around the bar. To make matters worse she admitted who she really had eyes for. The broom handle snapped as she cursed herself for saying too much. Right now she just wanted to hide, find hole and never come out for an eternity.

She tossed the broken broom into a corner, joining two others that had met a similar fate. She grabbed another from the cleaning closet. She sighed in the doorway looking out over the tables. Besides she had heard it from his own mouth, “A bad idea”… *snap*
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34 Gnome Rogue
She frowned a little as she exited the Watch office. Leaving all those flyers with the Commander had been pure torture for the sweet little gnome. After all, she was only trying to help! The boss lady had been pestering her to make nice with Noikona. And here she was, trying to do just that, when the boss lady shot her idea into the toilet!

The only bright side was that Nabbi had found out exactly who it was Noikona had googley eyes for. And she had gotten him to agree to a date! He even shook her hand on the deal. Of course, when Noikona showed up, he got all shy and acted like he wasn’t interested, but Nabbi was sure he was just feeling awkward with other people around.

A giggle escaped her as she plotted how to get the two of them alone together. The boss lady was sure to be pleased her best friend had found someone to make mushy faces at.
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