The Blue Recluse Daily Specials

100 Draenei Warrior
Breakfast: Westfall three egg omelet
Lunch: Raptor stew and dumplings
Dinner: Glacial baked salmon

Breakfast: Apple Crepes
Lunch: Open faced mead basted caribou sandwich
Dinner: Roasted wild hog shank

Breakfast: Waffles topped with tundra berries
Lunch: Dalaran sharp soup
Dinner: Fried Spinefin Halibut

Breakfast: Mulgore Spice bread and mixed fruit
Lunch: Chili non Carne
Dinner: Layered Rice and Elwynn Lamb

Breakfast: Crustless Cauliflower Quiche
Lunch: Mystery meat and cheese sandwich
Dinner: Marinated Tuna Steak

*Soup: Noikona’s Glacial Salmon Chowder is always available
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100 Goblin Hunter
If it wasn't for the fact I'd get chased out by guards, I'd certainly try all those specials. Course even if I could it would probably end with a chase anyway since it would be a dine and DASH!
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100 Worgen Druid
Doesn't Ardam do the catering on Friday...?
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100 Gnome Priest
06/23/2014 05:40 PMPosted by Noikona
Breakfast: Westfall three egg omelet
Lunch: Raptor stew and dumplings
Dinner: Glacial baked salmon

Breakfast: Apple Crepes
Lunch: Open faced mead basted caribou sandwich
Dinner: Roasted wild hog shank

Breakfast: Waffles topped with tundra berries
Lunch: Dalaran sharp soup
Dinner: Fried Spinefin Halibut

Breakfast: Mulgore Spice bread and mixed fruit
Lunch: Chili non Carne
Dinner: Layered Rice and Elwynn Lamb

Breakfast: Crustless Cauliflower Quiche
Lunch: Mystery meat and cheese sandwich
Dinner: Marinated Tuna Steak

*Soup: Noikona’s Glacial Salmon Chowder is always available

Oh... forget about it. That's a menu to die for. You can count on my business everyday of the week!
...except Wednesdays.... Fridays are also a little iffy, but every other day of the week I'll be there!
... usually...

((hehe, I should start calling Cail the "non-committal gnome". It's hard to nail him down for anything.))
((Love the menu though! Nice work :D))
Edit: ((I'm tempted to offer Cail's cooking skills. It is one of his passions, along with fishing... but I'm too afraid you'd push him into a pot by "accident" one day and serve up a mystery stew.))
Edited by Caileanmor on 6/23/2014 10:45 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
What the fel is this!? Seriously... what is this!?

Is this some twisted condition of your parole or are you just trying to get everyone in Stormwind poisoned?

Also, I see a distinct lack of crab legs in that menu. Clearly such an injustice should not be tolerated. However... those Apple Crepes do sound good.
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100 Draenei Warrior
06/23/2014 09:07 PMPosted by Zherron
Doesn't Ardam do the catering on Friday...?

Ardam can still cater, but are you sure you want to eat what he's serveing? Once he sees the menu I am sure there will be some arguments, but for now the menu stands.

06/24/2014 09:32 AMPosted by Mormel
Is this some twisted condition of your parole or are you just trying to get everyone in Stormwind poisoned?

Such evil thoughts you have, I'm hurt. Kidding asside my passsion to cook is great and I love creating new dishes. Salt free of course.
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34 Gnome Rogue
With her pink pigtails bouncing, Nabbi strolled out of the Recluse licking her fingertips and talking to herself.

“Mmmm Mmmm. That goat sure can cook. Those Apple Crepes were to DIE for.”

The gnome sighed happily as she made her way through the busy streets towards her boss’ house on the other side of the city.

“You know, if she can cook that well, perhaps that goat isn’t so bad. She can be a bit cranky sometimes, but maybe that’s because she just needs to relax a little.”

Nabbi stopped abruptly in the middle of the bridge over the canal, causing two elves to bump into each other in order to avoid her. Nabbi didn’t notice, of course. She was too busy thinking aloud.

“The boss lady has always said, well, not -always- but since they got body swapped that the goat is a good person. I wonder...”

Her pace, along with the self-jabbering, picked up again as an idea came to her.

“I’VE GOT IT! The boss lady wants me to be nicer to the goat. I know just how to do it! I’m gonna find her a man! The boss lady and the goat will be sure to thank me!"
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100 Worgen Druid
06/24/2014 10:27 AMPosted by Noikona
06/23/2014 09:07 PMPosted by Zherron
Doesn't Ardam do the catering on Friday...?

Ardam can still cater, but are you sure you want to eat what he's serveing?

No, I don't, which is why I asked, heh heh. Just smack him in the head, tell him to go back in the basement, and quadruple-lock it.
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100 Draenei Warrior
To satisfy our customers, three new meads are now available for your consumption. Please come by and let us know what you think. If they are satisfactory they will be permanently added the menu.

Morat – Brewed with Mulberries, on the cusp of not being sparkling. Fairly strong and should satisfy the most adventurous including you pandarans and dwarves.

Bochet – The honey is caramelized prior to brewing, this gives a bit of a toffee or caramelized taste to offset the traditional sweetness of the mead.

Rhodemel – Contains subtle hints of roses from the brewing process. It’s not too dry nor too strong, the tannins and acidity from the elderberries mixed with the floral notes of rose hips and bitter citric notes for the orange peel blend compliment this mead
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100 Human Rogue
Bump for the blind one
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100 Worgen Warlock
Does Ardam still do the catering on Friday? *chuckles*
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100 Draenei Warrior
10/16/2014 09:50 AMPosted by Rakeri
Does Ardam still do the catering on Friday? *chuckles*

I don't know if he does or not, but he's about to get chewed out for bringing in disgusting items and drinks. I do not want to see a pandarian lose all their hair or watch their eyes melt after drinking the things he brings in. It's not good for business.
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