The Edge of Dawn (Story, Guild)

Slivers of ice found their way into Ketyru's collar as she fell into the snowbank. The wind howled overhead, but not as loudly as the small dragon thrashing nearby. His entire head was lost in the blanket of white, muffling his roars. Shardniron's pony-sized body heaved and flailed as he tried to pull free.
Stifling a laugh, Ketyru belly-crawled across the powdery surface. She grabbed one of his hind paws and gave a mighty tug. Together, dragon and woman tumbled backwards onto a denser pack of snow. Shardniron wheezed and snorted, altogether unhappy.
"Well," Ketyru smiled. "You flew well, but I think your landing still needs work."
Shardniron growled deep in his chest, flakes of loose snow dancing into the air. He shook his head one last time before kneeling. "I'll get better," he grated out, motioning for Ketyru to climb onto his shoulders. Smirking, she alighted onto his back, eliciting a grunt as her weight settled. "Your armor is heavier in the cold, I think."
Ketyru nodded. "The plates are infused with special magics, making them molten. In this cold air, the heat escapes at a faster rate, cooling the metal and making it denser. It could also be," she grinned slyly, "that your muscles are becoming tired."
The young dragon snorted indignantly, raising his wings high. With a roar, he bounded forward and pushed down swiftly, rocketing them into the air. Ket let out a shout of excitement. Together they leaned, turning South. Back towards civilization.

Not far off, another dragon lifted off, its green skin shimmering in the dying light of evening.
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9 Troll Rogue
Veridak spit into the dirt, ridding his mouth of the dust he'd inhaled. The sun was high overhead, and the scorched plains of the Barrens were unforgiving. He could hear kodo lowing in the distance, and the strident screaming of a raptor pack.
Checking his knives, Veridak resumed his easy lope up the dirt road. He'd been pursuing whatever odd-jobs he could find, garnering favor with members of the Horde. Just as his Master commanding. He scowled, remembering his oath and life-debt. Back then, he'd been sincere in offering himself into the services of the brave mortal. Now...he wasn't so sure he enjoyed his task at hand.
He ran a finger, calloused and filthy, along one of the tusks protruding from his mouth. No, this was definitely not what he had intended all those moons ago. Albeit, the Master's cause was a righteous one, not tied to any one faction. He only hoped those lack of ties would not lead to their undoing...
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Pulling the leather straps from their elementium buckles, Ketyru kicked off her boots. Frayed bandages covered her legs and feet. She expertly pulled out the knots holding them on and began unwinding. The light purple skin soon gave way to a dark brown around her ankles. Scars marred her skin there, further blurring the transition between Draenei and Orc. She wiggled her toes as they came free, scowling.
Shardniron slipped into her room, disguised as a younger, male version of herself. Ketyru couldn't decide if she was offended or flattered by his choice. His skin was darker than hers was, but it shared the purple-fading-to-brown quality of hers. His eyes were still orange though, and they glowed differently than hers. She couldn't quite put her finger on the reason why. They were just different.
"Are you ready yet, Mistress?"
Ketyru pulled a robe over her head, smoothing out the chain and silk. "I am. Are you sure you're up for this? It would be unkind to put you in a crowd if you feel an episode coming."
Shardniron crossed his arms, his face pinching. He seemed all the much a six-year-old boy. "I'll be fine, woman. Must you mother me so diligently?"
Ketyru just smiled and took his small, chubby hand in her own. They made their way through the streets of Stormwind, intent on reaching Cathedral Square. Several times he pressed close to her, his free hand clinging to her robe. A flurry of sentimental thoughts whirled through Ket's mind, and she felt a surge of pity.
She could never tell anyone who Shardniron, or Niron D'shar in his guise, really was. Even as she sought aid for his lingering madness, the truth was hidden away in the dark corners of her mind. If anyone knew she was raising a Black Dragon...
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The wind screamed like a broken child in her ears, burning her skin. She looked up at the imposing visage of the warrior next to her. His face was badly scarred, and half of his nose had just been cleaved away. Ruun muttered ancient prayers into the wind, his focus undisturbed by the weather.
Ketyru wrapped her arms around herself. She could still smell the carnage of yesterday's foray into the Citidel. Would this war ever end?
Magma clung to her boots, heating the metal fittings to an unbearable level. The dragon's breath had killed everything it touched completely. Kneeling, the young shaman ran her fingers through the ash. Nothing would grow here again. Not for a very long time.
The madness of the Earth Warder's flight was tearing the world apart. Not to mention the damage their Aspect had already wrought. She could feel the distressed voices of the Red drakes she was working with in her mind. How afraid they were. How close Azeroth teetered to the brink of lifelessness.

Ketyru opened her eyes, tangled in the arms of her husband. Her skin was damp with sweat, but she felt cold. The nightmares haunted her every sleeping moment. Turning over, she again murmured her vow to protect Azeroth. To always do her utmost to protect her home, no matter the cost.
She felt a pat on her head. "That's nice honey..."
Edited by Ketyru on 7/2/2014 5:21 PM PDT
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((OOC post for guild:
Edge of Dawn is a casual to heavy Roleplaying guild that focuses on relevant Lore content. Rather than narrowing our sights to one particular aspect of the game, or Lore, we choose instead to use what the game already offers us. Adventure. Glory. War. Peace. Through questing, dungeons, and even PvP, we find enjoyment.
EoD also runs weekly guild dungeon and scenario runs. This is a great way to earn Justice and Valor points, as well as gear up a fresh 90 or build a complete set of gear for an offspec.

There are no restrictions on level, class or spec. The RP element is neither good nor evil, but neutral. Our duty is not to King or country, but to Azeroth itself, and Draenor when the time comes.

We are not a militant group, per se, and prefer to be defined as a group of like-minded individuals whose greatest goal in life is to ensure a future for those yet to come.

Also, of course we accept anyone looking simply for a guild to call home. RP is not a requirement, nor will it be enforced upon anyone who does not wish to engage. You'll still find us to be a friendly group of goofballs who are more than willing to lend a helping hand when asked!

Check out our website for more information :
Thanks for the read!
Happy hunting!))
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