WTB level 20+ Horde guild.

31 Blood Elf Rogue
Mail or whisper this toon in-game with an offer if you're selling. Don't care about the amount of tabs or members. Thanks!
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90 Human Warrior
Wouldn't bother. Guild levels're going awayin WoD.
Edited by Vagras on 6/29/2014 9:48 PM PDT
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31 Blood Elf Rogue
Thank you for pointing this out! Not sure how I missed this.
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100 Human Priest
I had to Google it myself after he mentioned it; yep, turns out that a bunch of the perks are being added into the game itself regardless of being guilded or no, and some perks are being taken out. I would imagine the good stuff (like Mass Rez) remains a guild thing.
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