LF an RP leveling partner on ED from 1-90

90 Goblin Rogue
Title says it all. I'm looking for a partner (or partners) to level a character IC with me from 1-90. I intend to be extremely flexible with zone and such, but wish for someone serious about the journey and IC progression throughout.

Horde most likely, as the character I have written up is Tauren, but willing to discuss other options! (:
Heirlooms are acceptable to me, due to the fact that they would make gear less of the focus, but at the same time I would like to make sure the focus doesn't switch from RP to speed leveling.
I play most days, mid day to evening depending on RL commitments, usually at least 2-4 hours minimum, and I would be good about communication on this aspect to be sure the experience goes smoothly.

Thanks, and hope to get something good going soon! (:
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90 Night Elf Druid
I will leveling something with you. ive never done rp before though but I would love giving it a shot though
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