Box Social-July 26th

100 Human Paladin
It's that time again. Box Social on July 26th at 3 pm server time. It's the guy's turn. Pia will furnish pets to go with the lunches. A chopper will also be auctioned.

Please plan on making a special lunch if you're a guy.

We'd love to have you all attend. These are always a lot of fun.
Edited by Gentyl on 7/22/2014 2:34 PM PDT
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92 Night Elf Druid
Az think maybe gnomes make special box so Az know which to give golds for.

Put gnomes on box please for Az. Or in box, Az not picky. Az thank later!

(( Will hopefully be able to catch some of it! ))
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100 Draenei Paladin
This looks like a great idea! Zeph would love to participate, or I can turn up on a male character if we need one. Gentyl, please let me know what if any kinds of pets the guild might need. I'll be happy to dig out what I can get to.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
The Box social is fun! /wave @ Aziriel
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100 Goblin Warlock
This sounds interesting. So is there any pet swapping or just bidding?
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Normally we burn a goblin at the stake.
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100 Draenei Warrior
07/20/2014 06:24 AMPosted by Inic
Normally we burn a goblin at the stake.

<Likes the sound of this>
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/20/2014 06:24 AMPosted by Inic
Normally we burn a goblin at the stake.

W-what!? But I can provide amazin' merchandise at super low prices!
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Don't listen to them Mormel, silly Humans. It's actually a really fun event, runs a bit like an auction. Someone (it's guys this time, right?) makes a lunch and is put up for bidders to fight over. The winner gets a lunch with that guy, and a pet or mount.
Pretty sure Thunderbeer out-bid Thel on a Sapphire Panther at the last one. Laughs all around.
You should come!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Wow! You auction off dates with hot men!? I'll take it! I'll take a dozen!

<slams some gold down on the table>
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100 Goblin Rogue
Wow! You auction off dates with hot men!? I'll take it! I'll take a dozen!

<slams some gold down on the table>

Why ain't I suprised ya have ta buy your dates?

Though seriously, while I've only been able to attend a couple (obviously not on Renzly) and will be missing this one, the box socials do tend to be fun events. Just don't let that annoying warden keep upping the bid by 1 gold. :P
Edited by Renzly on 7/20/2014 3:37 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks Kezzy ;3 I'll do what I can to attend it on Gerhilda.
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100 Draenei Hunter
Last one was loads of fun, I'm looking forward to it.
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100 Human Paladin
Yes, please do try to attend. We try to make sure it's rewarding for everyone. In addition to the pets to go with the lunches, there will also be a sky golem and chopper auctioned off with the lunches. In addition to the lunches with hot guys, who could say no to that?

As far as pet swapping, I'm sure some people do swap pets. I usually give a choice of two or three pets with each lunch so people can get something they don't have, but you never know what is coming up for bid later.

And no, we don't sacrifice goblins.

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100 Human Paladin
If we can get AAMS to interpret, we might be able to include horde or Pia will help if someone wants to do a horde version.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Where is it being held? The Lion's Pride Inn?
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92 Night Elf Druid
Not need burn goblins. Taste great raw.
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100 Human Paladin
Mormel, the grassy area behind the Recluse, just outside of the Stormwind wall.

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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks Gen! I've made a note of it on my calendar.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
So is this going to me a mix faction thing? Or is there going to be a Horde version later.
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