Interested in World PvP?

90 Orc Shaman
Disclaimer: This is not a recruitment for a 24/7 guild, or an attempt to take people away from this servers player community! Just some world pvp, part time.

Some of you out there remember some of the massive world pvp that went on during the days prior to battlegrounds in WoW Vannilla. Lately I have been wondering if we could bring back some of this for the newer post Burning Crusade players, but also to add a little theme to it.

Using a naming convention and the transmog of World of Warcraft, we want to see if we can resurrect some periodic (meaning not every day, haha) massive city raiding using the motif of the old skit by Mike Myers called 'Lothar of the Hill People', an idea that has some pre WoW history behind it.

There will always be people who poop poop ideas like this, but if you think this sounds like something that might be fun, or something to do in between raids, drop by the website below for some more detailed info on World PvP with The Hill People. There will be some work involved, so help us build some good, fun, and imaginative world pvp.

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100 Goblin Warlock
An interesting idea although Maelstrom is not in a CRZ with Cenarion Circle. While it is possible to pull us into your realm with B ID the added hassle can be annoying :-/
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