Rites of the Earth Mother [Event]

First, I'd like to thank Rhudran and Alnicat for offering the date and location for this, and for being so supportive.

This week I'll be breathing life back into an event I once held before. But, instead of focusing on Shamanism, I'm putting the ball in your court!

That's right. YOU pick the subject matter*. Whatever you want to know, I will spend the week digging up every fact and morsel I can find on the matter. As long as it's applicable and reasonable, I have no problem breaking the fourth wall or rambling on about Lore. It's all for your benefit and curiosity.

Classes will generally be held by the pool in the center of the Mystic Ward in Ironforge, close to the Clinic building. However, should a better venue for a specific topic arise, RotEM will relocate and a notice will be added to this post. We'll also invite guest speakers from time to time to present their own classes and workshops in their areas of expertise!


What? Shamanism 101 is back and improved as Rites of the Earth Mother!
When? Thursday nights, at the pool in Ironforge's Mystic Ward, and other sites tbd in accordance with subject matter.
Why? To sate the curiosity of anyone wishing to learn more about Nature, natural healing (as oppose to faith healing) and history. You decide the subject matter*!

* I'll accept any subject within reason that pertains to in-game mechanics, classes, canon Lore and racial spirituality within the game. I'm also willing to spend time on actual methods of natural healing, spiritual beliefs based in Nature and folklore (don't worry, it'll be altered to suit an IC storytelling).
Edited by Ketyru on 7/23/2014 7:46 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh! Oh! Explain how goblins can be shamans and how they differ from other shamans! And really dig into the lore justification too! ;3
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I'll do my best!
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Okay, so I've done some digging and I have a theory that ended up tying into the information I found perfectly. Also, great question Mormel!

So, not a whole lot is known about Goblin Shamans, but we know with certainty that they exist, not just as PCs but in current Lore. It's posited that Goblins may have learned how to wield the elements from Jungle Trolls, who once kept Goblins as slaves. Once the Goblins juiced up on Kajamite, they turned the tables and put the trolls to work for them.
Goblin Shamans differ from the other races in that, instead of a reverence or respect for the elements, Goblins are just out for a profit. They use their clever minds and beguilement to bargain and make contracts with the elements, often to the Goblin's major benefit with little for the Element in question.
It wouldn't be too far amiss to assume Goblins use their force of will to control the elements, rather than negotiate or cooperate as other races would.

My theory is that Goblins Shamans picked up on the Troll's voodoo, and twisted it just enough to suit their needs. They're such cunning and wily people that it's not hard to imagine them making the elements submit, much the way Dark Shamans do. It's not a favorable light to cast on them, but it does make sense.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks for answering Ketyru!

I had assumed Goblin Shamans were exploiters of the elements. There is even a goblin shaman in the Goblin Slums that is using earth elementals to dredge up oil for profit.

I think a lot of folks get confused by goblin shamans because they assume all Shamans are similar to the stereotypical Druid (ie they have deep reverence for the environment). However, there are shamans in the game that make it clear that their relationship with the elements is, at its core, a contract.

Anyway, I appreciate the added insight and lore tidbits you provided Ketryu.
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