WoW TCG cards

100 Tauren Shaman
So, I've got like a crapton (read: over 1,000) TCG cards from the original set...Heroes of Azeroth, I think--that have been sitting in a box for years, not really doing anything. (It was a super cheap eBay purchase...don't judge >.> )

Besides trashing, recycling, or burning them, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for what to do with them. I suppose I could build myself at least one deck out of them, but I know I don't need all of them for that....right?

Thoughts? Offers to take some? Buehler?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well if any of them have scratch off codes you could redeem them (or give/auction off the codes). I used to have a bunch of old Magic cards but I have not played it in nearly two decades. What I eventually did was select the cards with art I liked and stuck them in a card book.
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55 Orc Death Knight
How do you redeem the ones like hardened adamantite bar with a card # at the bottom of it
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