The Greedy Knave

100 Human Rogue
The Greedy Knave had set sail from Stormwind and within a few days, the ship settled near the coast of the Ruins of Gilneas. There the Captain rowed in a dinghy to the shore where a blood elf was waiting. The two shook hands and the elf spoke most playfully and cheery, "Captain Inglehart! That's a fine ship you have there."

"Thank you Gatrandas." He responded politely and added a bow of his head with it.

"I'd love to get the tour of it but this is a business meet so we must be terse." Ingle nodded again and motioned for the elf to continue. The Captain's eyes traveled to a large bag which sat at the blood elves' feet. "This is for you,. however it is not the supply you wanted. I apologize for any inconvenience. An uncontrollable fire raged through my laboratory and destroyed most of your stock."

Ingle bent over to pick up the bag. "It is a full refund, but I assure you, it will not be long before another lab is set up and I am at one-hundred percent. As a matter of fact, I might rebuild it here, in Gilneas."

"I am sure you would be welcomed with open arms."

"Yes, yes. I am certain I could find a fellow alchemist somewhere in these ruins that would be willing to take part." The elf was optimistic and smiling, contrary to Ingle's realism and neutral look. "I'll not keep you any longer, Inglehart. I am sure we both will be busy within the next couple weeks."

They shook hands again before Ingle departed with his large bag of coins back to the ship. Lorlynna was up on the mast doing something but he didn't notice. He made his way below deck. Just as he entered the place was bright with candles and luminous orbs that kept the place well lit. Several tables scattered across the room provided ample space for a couple dozen men to each fit three or four men a table.

Near the wall of the ship a counter ran across the room until it hit the wall of where a room would be. Various bottles of booze lined the walls behind the counter and under the counter, and on the counter. Opposite the bar were several hammocks and chairs for lounging.

Straightway as one would enter from the deck is a path that led to the dormitory. While the rooms were many their size lacked, much more accommodating for a human, but a male night elf could be comfortable, in the least extent of the word. It probably wouldn't be implausible to expand the room's size.

At the end of the pathway is the Captain's quarters, obviously much larger than most the rooms.

Even further below the deck, and the 'first level' which holds the dorms and lounging area is the galley and cells.

As Ingle set the bag of coins down he sighed. "Maybe it is time to do some recruiting.."


The Greedy Knave is a new role-playing guild based upon a ship of the same name, whose captain is Inglehart. All role-players, new and old are welcomed aboard for adventures on the high seas as well as those inland.

ICly anyone is allowed to join as well. People of all occupations, classes and alignments but keep in mind who Ingle is. Morally ambiguous but not evil. Quick to steal, reluctant to kill.

There's also a channel, which has been around a bit longer than the guild which I RP in with a few people I have invited to. If anyone is interested in joining either guild or channel for RP just whisper me!
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100 Human Rogue
You will not gain fame, but fortune and booze awaits. Free boarding and food and all you have to do is sell your so---, sail the seas.
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