I play this game for 2 reasons. 1) The social aspect. I think we all enjoy making friends with others who share an interest in something we like. 2) Overcoming obstacles (i.e. "Progression")

As I am the only currently active member of my guild, and have been for...I've lost track of how many months - a year? I don't know - I am seeking a new group of people to join who are also looking to find these two things in this game.

I've been leading Flex and Normal raids for months now and to be frank, I am sick and tired of how horridly inefficient it is. WoWo numbers have dwindled so much that even using oqueue and blizz raid you pretty much just have to take what you can get (within your desired ilvl range) and it's a roll of the dice on how competent the people are. Add to that people leaving after ever kill, and if it's a healer or tank that may just be the end of your raid, or at best another 45+min wait to replace them. I'm tired of seeing 560 ilvl people doing 160k dps. I'm tired of seeing people in prideful gear and pvp gems. I'm tired of 30 mins of people afk for every 5 minutes of game play. I'm tired of getting in to "guild runs" with groups containing 3-4 friends who are all under-geared and hoping nobody will notice and carry them through a Garrosh kill, I'm tired of people dying on belts 3 attempts in a row, I'm tired of tanks that use 0 defensive cooldowns...sorry I'm just going on and on now. There is a lot about this PUG system I like, but there is a lot that is frustrating.

I feel I've far outgrown the LFR/Flex raid systems and would prefer to be a part of a more dedicated group of people that are willing to actually acknowledge their own mistakes and make efforts to get better. I've stuck with raids for 15 attempts on Normal Garrosh with people dying to exact. same. mechanics. over and over again. That's not "progression" that's stalemate.

Years back I raided in what I think was CC's 2nd ranked raid guild (years, as in 2004-2005) but I haven't been a member of a "hard-core" raid guild since then. I'd like to get back in to structured raiding. But I'm not looking for something with some crafted loot point system or convoluted value ranking.

I just wanna have fun beating !@#$ up, proper.

tl;dr - I have 14/14 Normal exp, 0 heroic exp. Played for 10 years. LF Normal progression, prefer guild that has enough members to fill a full 10man raid and can down Garrosh. Looking to progress into Heroic content. Take me on one of your Normal runs and if I don't perform, don't invite me. Or, like my performance and don't invite me. It's really up to you, isn't it?

You can reply to this, or whisper me in game, or drop a letter in the mail box if you have more questions or wanna talk.