A curiosity. I was going to ask if there was such a thing as a "dark paladin"... then it occurred to me. A Death Knight is essentially a Dark Paladin.
Am I wrong in this assumption?
Could it be RP'd as such?
A normal human paladin that succoms to the shadow. Their inception after all is from the priests of Northshire, right? Perhaps a priests connection to shadow came later, but if a priest has a "shadow form" then it could stand to reason that a paladin could as well. Or no?
Discuss! :D
Am I wrong in this assumption?
Could it be RP'd as such?
A normal human paladin that succoms to the shadow. Their inception after all is from the priests of Northshire, right? Perhaps a priests connection to shadow came later, but if a priest has a "shadow form" then it could stand to reason that a paladin could as well. Or no?
Discuss! :D