A-RP Order of Lights Promise

OOC: About us. Hello everyone, I am Mallakk, GM of the Order of Lights Promise. We are a level 25 guild whose primary function is to offer a deep and immersive rp experience. We are also going to be looking at casual raiding come WoD. We are unfortunately very small at the moment, but all that means is there is a lot of room for growth.

How the guild functions: This is a neutral guild, offering rp for both factions. While we can't, obviously, rp in the game with the Horde, all characters are welcome in guild chat, our primary method of rp. The way I have always had the most fun with rp is to make it separate from the game we're all playing. As such, when you rp in guild chat, your in game character may be in, say, Duskwood, but your rp character is in the House. The House is the setting in which guild chat rp takes place. The House "located" in the Hinterlands.

The House is a very large structure, offering many services to the members. The House was built as a refuge for those who were lost, tossed aside and cast out from society. We welcome all kinds, ICly. OOCly, all I ask is that you are able to type coherently and follow some very simple rules regarding conduct. Really nothing more than be a decent person.

I do apologize for the rambling. If you are interested, or have questions, feel free to reply to this post, or send me an in game mail
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100 Night Elf Rogue
What about "visitors" to The House? I am relativity new to my guild, and I am loving Conclave. But I am trying to get a feel for this toon as far as RP goes. Is The House ICC a chann one could join without being in the guild as to interact with you all? Thanks for posting, this is a cool idea.
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Your post is interesting. I am not a fan of channels, as they are not something I can control. However, I believe a visit could be arranged through whispers or battle net chat.

Very sorry for the late response, had some RL stuff come up.
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