Abominus' Night Out

100 Undead Warrior
It was a Wednesday night, and the maggots were restless. They hadn't visited Stormwind in awhile, and so, a picnic basket was packed, and off the maggot Lord went.

His first stop was at the Stormwind Cathedral. There, he engaged in a lively debate over the theological implications of cannibalism. The discussion ranged back and forth over the broad expanse of the interior of the great building, and even up onto the altar for some pointed commentary. Refreshed, he departed, to be immediately greeted by the Stormwind Welcoming Committee. This went as planned.

After a brief ( and all too familiar) jaunt back to town, he decided to go and relax at his third favourite bar in the universe, the Blue Recluse. There, he greeted old friends, and had a bath in their public tub, a large oyster shell. He engaged in vigorous debates with Bellari, and a small host of others. After imbibing copious alcoholic beverages, and consuming some fresh liver graciously provided by the owners of the establishment, he conversed at length with Khromie, Kaellar, Kujia, and Ketyru.

He decided a break was in order, and went to the Auction House to bid on some fine pink bow ties. However, a vicious bidding war with the famed gnome-about-town Flizzwisket Gapsparkle caused some issues. Fortunately, some old friends were nearby, and they were able to remonstrate with the surly crowd quite effectively, until the local constabulary took offense. A brief scrum ensued, and Abominus and friends went their separate ways.

He decided for one more late night drink before heading home to the Undercity, so he returned to the Blue Recluse. There, he greeted his old friends Broodin, Belpha, Mira, and Derscha. he reminded Derscha that he had signed up for her new gift program. A few drinks later, and some more fresh liver, he departed cheerily, waving at his strange Alliance fleshly friends.

Maggots scrurried away into the various districts of Stormwind, intent on strange errands. A few stopped and doffed their top hats at passing ladies, before continuing on their way, much to the young debutantes confusion and dismay.

"We will have to do thisss again sssometime, yesss"
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90 Pandaren Priest
Airimus jolted awake and looked around, where was he? wait... WHAT WAS HE? he remembers joining the battle for Orgrimmar and then he was here...wherever here was, apparently he was no long Forsaken but a Pandaren! what strange magic did this? how did he get here? how would he explain to Abominus?

and worst of all, as he looked around his surroundings he saw it. an alliance banner.

Airimus let out a sigh and brought what used to be a decaying hand but was now a furry paw up to his forehead..."D'oh"
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100 Undead Warrior
*somewhere, Shave Senses tingle*
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90 Pandaren Priest
Airimus, looking in a mirror suddenly gets a cold chill running down his spine... "oh no, fur!"
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