Turwinkle heads to the Tirisfal Theatre Play!

56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new episode! In this fun episode, we find Turwinkle traveling to the ruins of Lordearon to attend a wonderful performance put on by the guild called theTirisfal Theatre Troupe! A fantastic play put on for the Horde folks! With a fantastic attendance, we all enjoyed this great show!

Turwinkle gets the chance to talk with this guild about how long it took to put on this performance; from the making of the script to the final product!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle goodness! :D

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56 Gnome Mage
Do not see why this is being down voted other than because it is something that was done on another server. This is a great RP event! A unique idea that took this guild quite a bit of time and effort to put on so that folks can enjoy a great night out! A shame to think that someone would automatically down vote this thread when they have not even taken the time to see what is being presented.
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100 Orc Warrior
If you ask me, ignore it. Random posts get downvoted for no reason all the time. Some people just get their kicks by hitting the pretty downvote button without even looking at the post. Nothing to worry about.
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56 Gnome Mage
08/05/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Korigal
If you ask me, ignore it. Random posts get downvoted for no reason all the time. Some people just get their kicks by hitting the pretty downvote button without even looking at the post. Nothing to worry about.

Thanks Korigal! :D
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