Ocheliad Barbecue (RP Event)

100 Human Mage
Fishing in WoW is not the most fun thing to do. Role playing with your friends definitely is. Fishing becomes more fun when you can RP at the same time. As such the Lluchduu Ocheliad invites all of Cenarion Circle's role players to join us Thursday, August 7th at 6:30 p.m. PST (server time) for fishing, barbecuing and role playing. We can't say where it'll be as we'll be setting up wherever the daily fish swarm in Pandaria happens to be.

For once, the Ocheliad's going to host an RP event that doesn't involve a brawl or plotting against the other attendees at the event. The previous statement probably won't hold true for Ardam.

In short...

What: An RP event centered around an outdoor, lakeside or riverside party.
When: Thursday, August 7, 6:30 p.m. PST (server time)
Where: Wherever the fish are biting.

If you have a character that may require transportation we'll do our best to accommodate you. Bring food, bring drink, bring whatever you think will make for a better party. Just don't come with your pvp flag up, please.
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92 Night Elf Druid
Unben put title wrong. Is not barbeque, is to raise fish for Azfund.

Please bring fishpoles or hands and give fish to Az. Az very hungry. Az maybe dance if you give fish nice to Az.

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100 Worgen Warlock
07/31/2014 05:31 PMPosted by Imperon
For once, the Ocheliad's going to host an RP event that doesn't involve a brawl or plotting against the other attendees at the event. The previous statement probably won't hold true for Ardam.

Please tell me he's not doing the catering.
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100 Human Mage
Please tell me he's not doing the catering.

What a terrifying idea. No, Ardam is not going to be involved in the catering.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
It's been a while since I've been on CC. Which one is Ardam again? Is it the big draenei guy or the lich dude?
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100 Gnome Priest
Ardam is the one that farts glitter and unicorns.
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100 Human Mage
This event went wonderfully! Considering it was based around fishing I was rather surprised to see that we had about thirty people show up at various times, with nearly two dozen there at the height. We'll be scheduling another event like this before too long.

Ghorfa: Ardam is the necromancer/lich. The "big draenei guy" is either Lyov or Cyrus.
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