The Old Ironforge Guard Thread

100 Gnome Priest
<The Ironforge Guard> is an RP focused guild.
We are now actively recruiting!

    [] Want to patrol the mean streets of Ironforge?
    [] Ever want wander the snow-capped mountains and passes of Dun Morogh or the lush forests of Loch Modan as a Mountaineer?
    [] Perhaps you'd like to explore dangerous contested lands or help maintain an outpost in these inhospitable territories.
    [] Are you an active citizen or merchant within the community? Concerned about the well being of your fellow citizens, want a voice within your community, or simply have business interests you wish to foster and protect?

If Ironforge centric Roleplay action and adventure appeals to you, then look no further than <The Ironforge Guard>!

While our core is the 'guard' of the city and realm, the <Ironforge Guard> is open to all citizens and contractors of the city and region.

We are RP focused, centering around Police / Guard / Watch style role play covering the lands of Khaz Modan with Ironforge being the location of our central office / hub.

Joining the 'guard' faucet of the guild is limited to dwarf and gnome characters.

Membership is otherwise open to all who are citizens of Ironforge or the Realm, and even to those who are not citizens yet hold mercantile interests within the city or realm.

Khaz Modan includes the zones of Dun Morogh and Loch Modan, but also includes patrols and stations within the contested zones of Khaz Modan such as Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, the Wetlands, and Twilight Highlands.

Wildhammer styled characters are more than welcome along with Dark Iron characters.

With the current status of the political air in Ironforge, being under the rule of the Three Hammers, I see no reason currently to restrict classes. All classes are welcome to apply.

Since this is a Role Play focused guild admittance will be given only after an IC introduction followed by an IC interview is conducted. In most cases a short and informal OOC introduction will also be conducted.

Applications to the guard facet of the guild will be limited to Dwarven and Gnomish characters.

Applications to the citizen / business facet of the guild is open to all races and classes. ICly this is limited to 'law abiding' characters, however OOC those of a dubious nature will be entertained.

Applications in general will be accepted informally and OOC on this thread. Again an IC/OOC introduction and interview process will be carried out.

Feel free to contact me on any of the characters listed below in-game anytime ic or ooc, btag or /whisper me, mail me ic or ooc, or post on this thread.

Kelvalnan (IFG guild leader)

All of your thoughts, encouragement, suggestions, and support is greatly appreciated as I take on this opportunity to build and establish this -RP- guild.

Thank you all! :)
Edited by Caileanmor on 8/19/2014 10:52 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Grats on taking over the guild, and good luck!

I'd like to have an OOC chat sometime just to make sure it'll be safe for Derscha to visit Iron Forge again... :)
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90 Gnome Rogue
I cannot wait for amnesty and a promotion!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Ah, more fellow authority figures to pester with intermittent requests.

*Rubs hands.* "Excellent."
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90 Gnome Rogue
I will gladly file your requests in my brand new circular filing system.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
08/07/2014 05:57 PMPosted by Derscha
Grats on taking over the guild, and good luck!

I'd like to have an OOC chat sometime just to make sure it'll be safe for Derscha to visit Iron Forge again... :)

< Cail here!
Thank you Dersha. I would like to chat about that as well, especially since I don't quite remember the reason why you wouldn't in the first place. :)

08/07/2014 07:02 PMPosted by Kyalin
Ah, more fellow authority figures to pester with intermittent requests.

*Rubs hands.* "Excellent."

Looking forward to it, Kyalin :)

08/07/2014 05:59 PMPosted by Sprocketeer
I cannot wait for amnesty and a promotion!

Heh, I'm looking forward to it as well! It should be very interesting.
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100 Gnome Priest

< Cail here!
Thank you Dersha. I would like to chat about that as well, especially since I don't quite remember the reason why you wouldn't in the first place. :)


Technically this story line was never resolve on the Ironforge side before the previous incarnation of the guild went poof, although it's been quite a while now :)

And now I miss Spriggel, for that was the storyline that promoted her to Ironforge Office Manager. /sob.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
08/09/2014 10:05 AMPosted by Derscha
Technically this story line was never resolve on the Ironforge side before the previous incarnation of the guild went poof, although it's been quite a while now :)

Very interesting read.
I will be more than happy to resolve this with you.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
The original post has been updated. Please feel free to give it another look :D
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100 Human Mage
I'm tempted to toss my dwarf hunter into this guild. It might encourage me to RP him more often.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Just added a Group at the DotOrg. Go check it out and if your alt is in the guild join up! Its a great place for us to discuss guild related RP :)
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Be aware. I am unable to change the posting character avatar from Cail and Kel. Its a minor matter, but I'm just anal enough that its starting to bug me... so I will soon be recreating this thread with Kelvalnan, cleaning up the main post to more accurately reflect the guild for recruitment purposes, and utilizing the new thread for guild announcements and communications.

It is an open thread, so everyone is welcome to post their comments, express continued support, and/or offer aid, ideas, and suggestions.

This thread will subsequently be renamed, possibly with a simple [OLD] tag, where the new thread will carry the guild name forward.

Thank you for all of your support. It means a lot to me. With your continued support our Ironforge RP opportunities will increase, adding a little more diversity and flavor to this wonderful community.

For Khaz Modan!
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/17/2014 4:17 PM PDT
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