In Search of a RP Realm

90 Human Paladin
Greetings members of Cenarion Circle,

As the title of my post would indicate, some friends and I are searching for a RP realm. We did some research and CC came up as a likely option based upon its status fitting our needs and its solid reputation for housing a good group of rp'ers.

As such, I would like to ask the community for more information, both in general and in regards to a few questions of mine that I shall detail below. I've heard tell that while the realm population isn't so large as Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord, the rp quality is overall better and more focused, and in glancing over the forums I've seen various indicators for rp events, functions, and the like that lead to opportunity for easy participation.

Overall, we are looking for an experience that is immersive, fun, and allows us to role play in a relaxed environment. I won't speak for my friends, but I shall detail a bit of my own gaming and role play experience's so others may be able to give me focused information.

I am not new to rpg games or multiplayer experiences with them. While single player games require an amazing storyline to interest me, in multiplayer games, it is really all about the quality of the players. I have been playing online rpg games (Baldur's gate, NwN, WoW) for the last 8 years or so and enjoy the mix of role playing and adventure. My time on WoW has been spent mostly on a non-rp server where I spent time questing and got into raiding. While I enjoy these parts of the game, I find the lack of rp or ability to even 'find' rp to be bothersome. My rp style is pretty easy going and I like light banter and lots of wit. I am less inclined to be part of an army than I am to join a group of friends - an OotS experience, so to speak. While my WoW lore isn't as up to snuff as it could be, I understand the importance of backstory and will be sure to fulfill this detail in a rp setting (either that or wing it like a pro with wowwiki up on 5 tabs).

Any information on the server, fitting guilds, server-rp style, individuals to contact in server for additional information will be helpful.

As for some focused questions:
What are the standards for rp? (Backstory, lore knowledge, alignment, ect.)
How frequent are rp events and are they easy to jump into for new players?
Where will I find rp and of what sort? Is it Major City focused or will I be able to rp out questing?
How serious/strict is the rp? Am I going to get called out for running instead of walking in SW or will somebody just make fun of me and leave it at that?

Thanks to all who reply.
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100 Gnome Priest
First off let me say YAAAY! *flails arms*
And welcome :)

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
I've heard tell that while the realm population isn't so large as Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord, the rp quality is overall better and more focused, and in glancing over the forums I've seen various indicators for rp events, functions, and the like that lead to opportunity for easy participation.

All very true :)

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
Overall, we are looking for an experience that is immersive, fun, and allows us to role play in a relaxed environment.

That's us! ... at least imo. :)

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
My rp style is pretty easy going and I like light banter and lots of wit.

You need to RP with Khromie sometime. She's all about the Light banter and lots of wit. :)

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
(either that or wing it like a pro with wowwiki up on 5 tabs)

I like you already!

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
Any information on the server, fitting guilds, server-rp style, individuals to contact in server for additional information will be helpful.

Oh boy! Lets see... /join allianceooc or /join hordeooc. These are our server wide ooc channels for RPers. Pop in and say hi. Ask questions. Join in the banter. Not everyone is in it at all times, but many of us are. Its a good way to get to know us while we get to know you.

As for guilds, there is something we lovingly call the "MACRO OF DOOOOOM" floating around on this forum. I'll browse and see if I can find its link, but there should be a sticky up top with guild names and events listed.

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
What are the standards for rp? (Backstory, lore knowledge, alignment, ect.)

I would say that we're all rather laid back and generally helpful. There are elitists amongst us, but I can say that they are the nicest most helpful elitists I have ever come across. I think we all generally follow the simple RP Code of conduct (no god modding, stick as close to lore as possible, don't be a d### or a drama queen, etc.). We're usually a fairly accepting bunch and rather tight knit.

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
How frequent are rp events and are they easy to jump into for new players?

Usually as often as weekly to monthly depending on the event and they are all easy for new players to jump into.

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
Where will I find rp and of what sort? Is it Major City focused or will I be able to rp out questing?

For server-centric RP we typically focus around Stormwind ally side. Horde side I have no idea :( but every now and then you will find a few players sitting in the Recluse. That's a good place to start. I'd suggest at least installing an RP addon like MRP even if you don't use it. It's easy to pick out RPers that use similar addons with it... though not all RPers use addons.

Different guilds may focus on different locations for RP, so it really all depends on the guild you join and the sort of RP interactions you're looking for. Walk ups and random RP is at times hard to come by simply because our RP populace is so low, but its out there and generally very welcoming.

Out questing you're more likely to run into RPers from MG or WrA, but you'll also see us mixed with SoE and ...gnome biscuits, I can't remember their name and they're going to hate me for it ><... so if you're an equal opportunity RPer then you'll have no issues finding while out questing.

08/07/2014 04:24 PMPosted by Jeraboh
How serious/strict is the rp? Am I going to get called out for running instead of walking in SW or will somebody just make fun of me and leave it at that?

I try to let my RP run rather light and loose. I've never heard of anyone being criticized for something like running instead of walking. I usually consider that if they're running then they're probably getting to somewhere ooc. Hmh. We all have our styles and quirks, and as long as you're not forcing me to RP your way or being an a##hat about it then you're fine. But that's my experience.
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100 Gnome Priest
Cail's got a good bit covered, but I'll add my own experiences and opinions.

What are the standards for rp? (Backstory, lore knowledge, alignment, ect.)

I've seen a wide range, from bare-bone backstories to people with detail histories; even my own characters span the spectrum, as I'm fond of creating and adapting my backstory when a new idea hits me during RP (as long as it doesn't contradict anything I've previously officially established for that character.) I've seen a couple of half-breeds/dragons/secret identities, though I think they're best kept as rare exceptions. I'm happy to say the ones I know about respect the "secret" part of their story and I only know about them through long-term interaction and not because they flaunt it.

How frequent are rp events and are they easy to jump into for new players?

We have weekly events that are really designed to be places for new people to meet others. They're in the evenings, when most of our population is online. The realm sticky is mostly correct. The most regular events Alliance side are Clinic/Troubadour nights on Monday, Feather's Bar on Tuesday, and the Sermon on Wednesday.

Horde side has a Clinic on Tuesdays, AAMS Lounge Night on Saturdays (*coughcough*), and I also recommend checking out the Story Telling in Thunderbluff on Sundays. It's an SoE event, but as I get several SoE people at the AAMS event, I feel I ought to return the favor :) A lot of us still have our fingers crossed for an eventual connection to SoE.

Where will I find rp and of what sort? Is it Major City focused or will I be able to rp out questing?

On non-event nights, the Blue Recluse is the normal place to find people just hanging out, or using the OOC channel. Horde hasn't had a stable hang out place ever since the Siege drove most of us away from Orgrimmar IC.

I've met other RPers on rare occasion while questing, but the low population means it's unlikely. If possible, I will respond IC when approached IC, though I may have to scramble to find a reason why my character would be in the middle of a forest/swamp/wherever. It depends on the roleplayer and the exact situation.

How serious/strict is the rp? Am I going to get called out for running instead of walking in SW or will somebody just make fun of me and leave it at that?

Most of the walk-up RP I see is light and casual, with the heavy drama reserved for people with established relationships and an OOC accord about what's expected. That said, we're not against having new people join our plots, it's just the natural process of wanting to get to know each other a little first and making sure play styles are compatible.

I know it can vary from server to server, but in general on CC, if people are RPing in an open public space (as in not in a hidden corner), they're open to having people walk up and join in. When in doubt, a quick /whisper to one of us will often tell you what's going on and if you can join in.

On the second question, most people will assume you're doing something OOC if you're running around like a ninny and will not think twice about it. :)
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100 Draenei Paladin
Welcome! I'll see what I can do about answering your questions. I've been on CC for about 9 months now, coming over from a very high population server and looking for someplace friendlier. I really like the atmosphere here.

Now, about those questions:

Any information on the server, fitting guilds, server-rp style, individuals to contact in server for additional information will be helpful.

Probably the best place to go for information is the allianceOOC chat channel. /join AllianceOOC. You can ask about guilds in there too, somebody will bust out the dreaded macro of doom :)

As for some focused questions:
What are the standards for rp? (Backstory, lore knowledge, alignment, ect.)

IMO, act in character and expect folks to react in character. If I barged into a bar and told everyone I was the daughter of Durotan and Onyxia, I'd expect either the bum's rush or the loony bin (IC). If I really were the daughter of a black dragon masquerading as a draenei paladin, well... do you think I'd mention anything about it? Hrrm?
The only thing I've ever seen anybody get flack about OOC is lacking respect for others. If there are two or three people sitting off in a corner RPing, changing yourself into a rabbit and jumping up and down on the table in front of them (for example) and emoting to be annoying... well that's not going to go over so well. That doesn't mean you can't work yourself into the RP. Just have respect for others. It's not an easy concept to define, but I think it's easy enough to grasp. If you're truly in doubt, shoot them a whisper.

How frequent are rp events and are they easy to jump into for new players?
Derscha covered most of the weekly events. I'd say they're pretty friendly to new players. Go to the clinic with an injury and get treated. Go to Troubadour night with a story (and get to hear the stories of others!).

Where will I find rp and of what sort? Is it Major City focused or will I be able to rp out questing?
How serious/strict is the rp? Am I going to get called out for running instead of walking in SW or will somebody just make fun of me and leave it at that?

The majority of the walk-up random RP I've done has been in the Blue Recluse (that seems to be the place to go when folks are looking to RP). We are cross-realmed with Moon Guard so do not under any circumstances go to Goldshire and expect normal RP. I will leave that at that.
I don't think anybody will mention seeing you run around in Stormwind or whatever. I think Derscha put it well, if you're running around like a ninny I'll assume you're doing something OOC.

I've found Cenarion Circle to be a very welcoming place- small enough to be able to make friends that you see frequently enough but active enough to keep things going. As a smaller server though, if you're on hours that are not prime-time it can appear very quiet. Come check us out!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Seeing friendly and helpful threads like this makes me want to return to CC.
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100 Draenei Mage
08/08/2014 06:29 AMPosted by Ghorfa
Seeing friendly and helpful threads like this makes me want to return to CC.

You should. We took care of the biting issue that was plaguing us for a bit so now our ads can be truthful when we say, "we do not bite... much. Beware the kitties."

Any information on the server, fitting guilds, server-rp style, individuals to contact in server for additional information will be helpful.

It is difficult to address the issue of fitting guilds without getting to know your character better. There could be several possibilities or none. Because of AllianceOOC, we tend to have numerous smaller guilds that represent bigger ideas within the world while still acting as a cohesive unit that gets things accomplished by arranging to work together in AOOC. That said, AOOC can get a little more Barrens chatty at times. Especially after the MTV censor abandonment hour of 22:00.

Server RP-style is a bit of a misnomer to ask about. I could say we are light-hearted and Turwinkle's interview with Khromie would be a perfect example of how we clutch to our comedic RP without remorse, but at the same time we have serious story lines that dispense with humor in favor of the more dramatic elements. I'm currently involved in one. So the RP-style is whatever you want it to be. We're all pretty accommodating of everyone else's style.

But I can tell you our server tends to focus on events versus some of the others. There is something happening most days of the week with the consistent emphasis on the first part of the week so that the rest of the week is open if players are off raiding and generally running amok. Guilds often have their own stories. And some characters have their own methods for generating multiple random RP moments.

As for some focused questions:
What are the standards for rp? (Backstory, lore knowledge, alignment, ect.)

We don't really have standards. We ask that you know the lore, but that's about it. Moreover we tend to disengage with the typical RP fauxpaus. God-modding being the major example. Things can be done well, no matter how extreme, but the more taboo the topic, the better an RPer you have to be to pull it off. Taboo simply meaning controversial here.

I think the other questions have been answered quite fully so, I'll leave them alone.
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90 Human Paladin
I feel convinced that from the positive feedback that Cenarion Circle is well worth a try. I hope to see you in game and look forward to the new opportunities for role play.
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100 Human Mage
I look forward to seeing you in game, Jeraboh! Cenarion Circle can always use more role players and good people.
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