08/12/2014 08:25 AMPosted by
Ghorfa What's your stance on bandwagon hate? Do you ever hate someone/something just because it's popular to do so? How often do you see other people do this? What do you think of them?
My stance? I try to avoid it, and the appearance of it, whenever possible. Its easier said than done sometimes since it requires one to step back, take a breath, and wait.
Do I ever hate because it's popular? I like to think I don't, but in truth I probably have and probably will at some point. It's almost unavoidable human nature. When it deals with something/one that you're close to or if you're within that group with whom you are close, then its easy to join in the hate. It can be a sympathetic response of sorts. All the more reason to take a step back, take a breath, and wait to make sure that you indeed feel that way and not "just because".
How often do I see this? It seems to be most prevalent in social media (to include forums such as this). Wherever there are people emotionally invested to someone or in something this will always occur, at least to some degree.
What do I think of them? For the most part its tragic. Jumping on the bandwagon usually hinders any sort of constructive resolve and only further deepens wounds or the divide. Let me explain what I mean.
Hate" is an intense and passionate response. It's full of emotion.
Almost by necessity it blinds you to the emotions, the feelings, and too often the plights/causes/cases of those on the other end. I would equate it to a biological response that has its uses, since it helps us fight for what we believe in. In that way it is very much a survival instinct. However it can be (and so often is) easily mismanaged.
Hate makes us say or do things on impulse. It clouds our judgement, enabling us to make decisions that we feel were correct or justified at the time, but in the end were actually regrettable. Hence, the bandwagon. Its easy for people that may share such passion to be swept up into the same cause, or in this case the same response.
Stop. Step back. Take a breath. Calm down. Remove as much of that emotion as possible and try to look at the issue with fresh eyes. That's a mark of a mature mind.
Once most if not all of that emotion is taken away, you may find that the other side of the argument at least has a point or a valid opinion. Then by all means if you still feel the need to go ahead and respond, and with passion. But by doing this you have a better chance of responding legitimately from a position of strength to the issue at hand, rather than just simply "jumping on the bandwagon" and "fanning the flames".