Transmog runs/guilds

100 Undead Priest
Hey all!

So I'm sure I'm not the only one that is having issues trying to find people that are actively engaged in fun activities. I was wondering if there were any weekly runs or guilds that do Transmog runs? I'm not really interested in current raiding but I am interesting in doing old school content for mounts or raids. Anyone know anything about that?
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100 Orc Warrior
Wrath and earlier can generally be either solo'd or duo'd. Any later than that though, me and my friends actually look on Openraid for groups setting up for that. Pretty reliable in my experience.
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100 Draenei Shaman
1-80 Raids are Soloable, 85 Raids are Easily 2 Mannable and MSV Can be 4 Manned with the Right People.
Edited by Allaidia on 8/9/2014 7:10 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
Thanks for the advice! The problem is that I know absolutely no one that plays this game anymore so I am all by myself with this. I was looking for either guilds that are recruiting that do this or other recommendations.
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100 Gnome Priest
Personally I do make occasional runs through older material for a few reasons. To gather transmogs, to complete achievements, to review older materials, and just for fun.

Conclave (along with other guilds I'm sure) also makes the occasional run as a team for similar reasons; tmogs, achievements, for fun.

Largely however the case is as it has already been stated.
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100 Worgen Hunter
If you happen to have any alliance toons, check us out! Dream Chasers runs old content for transmog, mounts, achieves. Everyone is really nice, easy to get along with.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Any of you folks run heroic Firelands? My priest is still missing the belt and tier helm from heroic Ragnaros to finish that set.
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100 Worgen Hunter
We were running Firelands every week for the past few months, not sure when we're gonna run again since we're starting dragon soul now. I can let ya know though if we go soon if you want though, just message Wayawoman in game :)
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92 Undead Mage
Me and a buddy run old raids on Friday and Saturday nights, you can add me, SuperRad#1723, and you can join us anytime
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67 Human Warlock
Felui, what times are you usually on?
I have characters on both horde and alliance side, and I also am a fan of the transmogging and the mounts and whatnot. And also like you, I find that 9 times out of 10, I am the only person I know online (my guild hordeside is...well, "sparsely populated" is a charitable way of putting it).
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My guild generally does transmog/achievement runs Thursday and Sunday evenings at 7pm Central time.

We've been mostly running Ulduar as it seems to be people's favorite transmog gear. After we clear that, we've started doing some Cataclysm stuff for achievements.

If that time works, keep an eye out for me or anyone else with the Wilderness Stalkers guild tag. We're always open to including more folks.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I suggest signing up for it's free and you find all the old content raids on there. I use it a lot myself.
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