Greetings from a Sisters of Elune druid!

100 Worgen Druid
Greetings, Cenarion Circle!

I saw that our servers are getting connected. The guild I'm in is inactive at the moment, and I'd like to do some RP as well as raid, run heroics, etc. I read over some of the threads here and found them to be helpful. Due to my location and time zone, I will be on very late at night or early in the morning, whichever you wish to call it. Are there any suggestions for late night or early morning RP over here for after we get connected?
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100 Orc Warrior
The last time threads like this appeared our connection ended up getting canceled, way to jinx us again Kard!

PS: Hi

PPS: there's a allianceooc channel that you can check in on our server that would be a better avenue to pursue for that information. A much more active number of individuals than those that post on the forums.
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82 Night Elf Druid
<Waves frantically, sneezing as she does so>

Hello, fellow druid! It’s wonderful that you fine folks from Sisters of Elune will be joining us here on Cenarion Circle soon. Especially all the SoE druids. There can never be enough druids, I always say. I am very pleased to meet you. I certainly hope you are a nice druid. Bad druids can be a serious problem. They go all bear form and get growly and snarly and are generally cantankerous. I don’t like cantankerous people. I like fun people. Are you fun?

<Looks around distractedly>

Sorry. What was I saying? Oh! Yes! Fun. I enjoy a good spot of entertainment. Or more accurately, I enjoy bringing the entertainment. Just ask any of the Blades.

<Nods sagely>

I usually have lots of fun things in my backpack. You know those fun toys you can get from the Darkmoon Faire? I bring those with me everywhere. I love setting them up in the middle of the Recluse. The owner of the Recluse, is very happy with me for doing this. She never ever tells me not to.

Speaking of the Recluse, that is a dandy place to come and hang out if you are looking for other people (read: druids) to meet. Some people even sit around drinking beer or milk there into the wee hours of the morning. I, myself, occasionally swing from the chandelier there in the late evenings. Again, don’t worry, the owner hasn’t remonstrated me at all for that.

One thing about the Recluse owner, though, is you can’t go around breaking things in there. She definitely doesn’t like that. If you want to go break things, I recommend going to Pandaria. I am sure there are a few excellent individuals from Cenarion Circle who would love to join you.

<Looks around again as if she is expecting someone>

I probably should go now.


You can call me Lini.

<Smiles and sneezes as she shifts into cat form and pads away quietly>
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100 Worgen Druid
Hrisos, thank you for the information. I'll look as soon as I can.

Lini, my fellow druid, thank you for your respsonse. Are you allergic to me?

I can be a stoic protector of my allies with my bear form. I prefer not t'use it if I don't have to. I've started working on my healing capabilities and would like to continue to do so. I'm working towards full membership of the Cenarion Circle too.

Please forgive me. I'm a noob when it comes to RP.

A little about this character:
He has NO love for the King of Stormwind. His loyalties are to King Greymane, his people, and the NIght Elves for their kindness and generosity. He prefers not to use his bear form but will do so when threatened and to protect friends and allies.
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82 Night Elf Druid
08/11/2014 06:28 PMPosted by Kärd
Are you allergic to me?


Are you in cat form?
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100 Worgen Druid
No, I prefer Tree or Bear form.
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82 Night Elf Druid

Then we shall have no more talk of allergies. :)
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100 Worgen Druid
Agreed. How active is your guild?
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100 Draenei Warrior
*stares at Kundalini*
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100 Worgen Druid
I'm curious and looking for a guild with members that will be on around the same time of day I will be.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/11/2014 06:28 PMPosted by Kärd
Please forgive me. I'm a noob when it comes to RP.

All of us were at some point. Worry not - we don't bite. (Much.)

I have a worgen druid as well - though he favors boomkin, so I hope you're not allergic to feathers! - who was an officer in the Gilnean army before ending up as one of Crowley's rebels (his father was an Alliance general who left before the wall went up and was killed by the Scourge) until the whole worgen mess brought the loyalists and rebels back in the same boat.
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100 Worgen Druid
Oh look! Another druid. As Kundalini said, you can never have too many druids. Just look at me! I have 4, 3 of which are on CC. And many people think I'm crazy but I don't care, I have fun playing druids and I don't need to play other classes.

As for a guild, there are a couple active ones and from what you've said of your character, there might be a few guilds you might be interested in. My own guild isn't extremely active but almost every night from about 8 pm server (10 SoE server time) to well into the night, the other guild leader and myself will be on. Before that, I'm usually on and sometimes a couple other people. It is a rather new guild so it doesn't have a bunch of people yet, but it has slowly been growing.

A little bit about my guild, it is mainly a militia of people who have returned to Gilneas to fight the Forsaken who get past the wall. After the treaty there, it has become safer but they still don't let their guard down until Gilneas is considered safe again and under Alliance control. While defending, it isn't all about protecting the land, but also rebuilding their old lives as best as they can. For others, they are trying to get away from their old lives and try to build a new and better life for themselves. So while this guild is heavily focused on worgen, it isn't a requirement to join. We have gained a few others who wish to create a new life for themselves, for example a gnome techno-mage who has lost everything has come to set up a more secure lab for his inventions. He also creates experimental weapons to help defend against threats.

Some other guilds that might be interesting for you to join, depending on your character, is Pia Presidium (Pia) or Lluchduu Ocheliad (LO, and probably misspelled that.). They are both massive guilds which usually have players on at all times. Pia is sort of a holy order which focusing on helping and defending those in need. They have some amazing players that'll love to help new players. LO is sort of the opposite of Pia, instead of going out of their way to help someone. They are more focused on what is best for them. (I could be completely screwing this up. If I am wrong, please correct me someone.)

There are a number of other guilds which some are really active, and some that are not. I believe there is a thread on here with most of the guilds on the server and with a short description of each of them somewhere. If someone could find the up to date one before me, please most a link to it. Though you can always ask for the macro of doom in Allianceooc, which also has all the guilds on it. However, it is pretty long.
Edited by Discauince on 8/13/2014 2:50 AM PDT
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100 Worgen Druid
*whispers in Disc's ear about Conclave*
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100 Worgen Druid
*Blinks* Yes, Conclave is a great guild. Sadly I don't know too much about them or I would have written something about them. I know their guild leader and she is one of my oldest friends, and she also hosts the event The Light and You. From what I understand, their whole thing is seeking knowledge but that is about all I know. If you can expand on it, please go ahead. And that goes for LO and Pia as well, for I know I didn't go into much detail with those two.
Edited by Discauince on 8/12/2014 6:29 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/12/2014 06:12 AMPosted by Zherron
*whispers in Disc's ear about Conclave*

Here I thought it was "The Conclave"

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100 Worgen Druid
Don't forget their Moonkin or by their other name, Fat Chicken Mascot!
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100 Human Paladin
Conclave is an order that is dedicated to the pursuit of and protection of knowledge, all knowledge. No there is no "the" nor is there a fat chicken boomkin mascot. We do host the Light and You and try to foster rp on the server however we can.
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100 Worgen Druid
08/12/2014 07:37 AMPosted by Genevra
nor is there a fat chicken boomkin mascot.

I should hope not. That would lead me to wonder what else you volunteer me for without telling me. :P
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82 Night Elf Druid
08/11/2014 09:54 PMPosted by Kärd
How active is your guild?

My apologies for not replying last night. I sauntered off and found a nice tree branch to curl up on and promptly fell asleep.

<Stretches lazily>

My guild is quite active. Most nights there are more than a few people online and we seem to be acquiring quite a few new people lately. Although, not nearly enough druids in my opinion. If you are interested, the person you would want to talk to is Adrazel. She is lovely and kind and sweet. Except, of course, if you cross her. Don't cross her. Bad things will happen. Very bad. Like DOOM kind of things. You have been warned.

((Actually, Adrazel really is great. She is a fantastic guild leader. You should talk to her. :) ))
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100 Human Warlock
Hey, there are druids. Just... busy druids. It's not like I don't LIKE druids. Although to be fair, a lot of druids don't seem to like warlocks, so..... *shrugs and gives Lini a fish and ball of yarn*

Ah, yes, hello there! Yes, the Crimson Blades are quite active, sometimes maybe more than my poor sanity can handle... And yes, what Lini said about bad things.... I'm afraid she's not exaggerating. But it's fine, no fire and brimstone for those who don't cross me. But we are a home for those without these days. I'm still not entirely sure if it's a good thing or bad thing that there have become so many of us.

But I am usually around Stormwind in the evenings, as most are.

((*huggles the Lini* Thank you. That just made my day. :D ))
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